
Friday, August 31, 2012

Debugging the Prophetic, by Apostle Ricci J. Hausley, Sr.

Note from Cindy Allen:  This is an excellent word from Apostle Ricci J. Hausley, Sr. in regards to perfecting the prophetic.  His word is very balanced in that while we seek to perfect ministries in the people, we want to avoid perfectionism that ultimately causes people to become self-conscience rather than Christ conscience.  Even as the gift is perfected, the ministry should ultimately serves to anchor each one in how to remain Christ-centered individuals.  Christ-centered individuals co-labor with others in cultivating greater communities that will continue to be Christ focused in their growth.  Ministry that stays true to it’s purpose serves to heal and perfect the community it comes out of.  Interestingly, the gift first raises relational standards for community.  Next, the community that the gift is raised in serves to perfect the gift.  This is ongoing from glory to glory and from one community to the next.    

Regarding individual ministry gifts, Three Fold Cords serve the people powerfully.  Three Fold Cords produce absolute values in respect to ministry gifts.  The corporate ministry represented within a greater Priesthood comes out of absolute values.  True standards of Christ  bring unity among those of like gifting - not disunity.   This administration of ministry witnesses of the Elders of Titus 1:5.  

The apostolic and prophetic community (as well as the School) that Apostle Hausley mentions bears witness of ministry that comes out of an administration.  Close relations with other gifts build us towards TEAM.  Teamwork further prepares us in building the administrations needed to minister to greater community life.      

The ministries of Christ are already a TURN-KEY operation.   A body only needs two or three who will faithfully operate in the grace that they carry in relationship to other like gifts.  When this agreement is present through absolute values, all enjoy the fellowship that Acts 2:42 ministers to us.  

Beyond the gifts, the formation of ministry teams and greater counsel serve to cultivate ministry through greater community.   The guidance of the Rocket that Apostle Ricci speaks of witnesses of how greater community is developed through the ministries.  Equip, release and listen to what God speaks through His people! 

Enjoy this timely word!   

Apostle Ricci J. Hausley, Sr
and Pastor Theresa Hausley
Eagles Nest Christian Fellowship
Philadelphia, PA

Debugging the Prophetic  
by Apostle Ricci J. Hausley, Sr.  

"Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary  to send forth a foul odor: so does
a little folley to him that is respected for wisdom and honor," Ecclesiastes - 10:1

     Beloved I have carried the baton for the Prophets and Apostles in our region for well over 20 years of my 35 years of ministry and nearly 40 years in Christ Church.  Dead flies in the ointment will always send forth a foul odor!  Many in our Apostolic Prophetic community ask, why are Pastors so hard on Prophets and Prophetic People?  Actually, this is one of the most common complaints we get, but it's not actually the full truth.  The hardest people on Prophets and Prophetic people are other Prophets and Prophetic people, for the Word of God it actually says, "Let the Prophets speake two or three, and let the others (Prophets) judge,” I Corinthians - 14:29.  

     There is a single and clear reason for this.  The problem is that most people who "hear or see" prophetically expect others to see and hear just the way that they do.  That will never happen, because the ways people see and hear prophetically are just as numerous as the number of people upon earth.  

     We have no problem saying everyone's looks, personality, talents, and gifting's are expected to be varied.  Why then do we not expect prophetic people to be different in the way they see and hear?  God is no less creative with prophetic types of people than He is with all people.  He will cause one, even at the age of seven years, to see and hear, and have prophetic experiences of being caught up into heaven and seeing awesome things.  He'll create another to operate by faith alone.

     I asked a very high level and mature Prophet once, how often--when he publicly prophesies--does he see everything he prophetically states, and how often does he prophesy by faith.  He said, "I see about 50% exactly what I prophesy. The other 50% of my Prophesy is actually by faith."  But think about it, that's exactly what the Scripture confirms when it states in Romans - 12:6:"We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.  If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it is according to the proportion of his faith."  

     Don't be discouraged if your prophesying is by your faith alone, for you will be in good company.  Back to Pastors: Most who are even slightly interested in knowing what God is saying, they LONG really for Prophets who will not "act weird" and just please give a clear word from the Lord.  The main problem with Pastors is not them all the time, but that they often see too many prophetic people who just have to much ambitious and are too show oriented.  Prophetic people need to balance their ambitious drive and need for sensationalism and being seen.  Then Pastors will more likely be open to hearing a clearly-stated prophetic word.  This is a homework project to work towards!!! 

     One of the questions I often get from sincere prophetic people is: "How do I know if I'm hearing God or it's my own thoughts?”  Remember God was very clear when He said “For My thoughts are not Your thoughts, neither are Your ways My ways, says the LORD,” Isaiah - 55:8.  But He never said, "My thoughts won't get into your thoughts.”  It says in James - 5:17, “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain,, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months.”  On the surface this seems like Elijah labored in prayer and then God honored his prayer.  

     The New Testament writers had a way of generalizing when quoting Old Testament quotations.  They would quote just enough to get their point across, without giving the full detail of the quotation.  But let’s take a look at the actual quote in I Kings - 17:1 which says, "And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years,but according to my word.”  

     Did you see that?  God had actually gotten into his thoughts so that Elijah’s thoughts and God’s thoughts had become one.  Jesus prayed for all of us that we wouild become one with him and the Father.  God getting into our thoughts is one of those ways.  I have discovered that when the Holy Spirit is at work through your human spirit and its variopus faculities, the human intellect aspect of your brain is at complete rest.  The aspect of your brain which is at work when under the opeartion of the Holy Spirit is your motor control faculities.  In Hebrews - 5:14 we have been given a clue how to develop this ability.  It says they who have matured have developed skill by training their human spirit to discern good from evil.  

     God’s thoughts and your thoughts becoming one is one of those ways of God.  Until you receive training many times you will be hearing the Lord and not even know it because on the surface it may feel like your thoughts.  Many prophetic people think what they "hear" are just their own thoughts.  But here is the difference, when your thoughts come out of your intellect you can tell it, verses when it comes to you.  The Old Testament Prophets explained it this way, “The Word of the Lord CAME UNTO ME SAYING”… Beloved follow your gut instincts.  The world has come to call this as "your sixth sense."  But that's not what God calls it.  In the Bible it's said like this: "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it," Isaiah - 30:21.  

     Sometimes when you least think you're hearing God's Voice, you are actually hearing Him the most--because you're following your "gut" instinct, your sixth sense as it were--or really your faith.  My Spiritual Father Apostle Chuck Clayton use to always say "obey your first mind, for it is always the mind of Christ."  I always say your spirit will always get things long before your intellect and brain get the news.                                                                                

     Someone asked a man once, "What if I make the wrong decision when I THINK I've heard from God?"  He said, "Son, God can do more with your mistakes than you can ever do with your best obedience or your best intentions.”  In our Prophetic College I like to say to people, "Don't stand there.  Just do SOMETHING!"  God will make the crooked path straight.  Remember God is a father, and like watching a baby take its first step, our heavenly Father is more interested in you trying to take steps than He is in allowing fear to cripple you.  But just like a rocket blasting off, you have to be moving in order to be guided.  You can't guide a rocket sitting on its launch pad.  Just move--or in this case, SPEAK.  God will do the rest.  At the Samuel Elijah Prophetic College we have a saying "MAKE A LOUD MISTAKE!!!"

     Another question I always get is how will I get people or my Pastor to actually listen to my prophetic gift?  This is easy.  Just keep prophesying and do it with grace and mercy and encouragement.  See we are told beloved in the book of I Corinthians - 14:3 "But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening (edification), encouragement (exhortation), and comfort."  People spend way too much time "correcting" people's sins, rather than figuring out a way to encourage them.  The Old Man (the flesh) has no 12 step program or rehab center to help him recover.  

     Apostle Paul made it plain that the Old Man is to receive a death sentence and is to be put off with his deeds, for we are to identify with Christ crucifixion!  We always encourage people at the School of The Apostles and Prophets once a month also to “MAKE A LOUD MISTAKE” (i. e. under supervision).  Let me state this another way, We ALL SIN, All OF US DO SO in the name of ignorance, immaturity, and a need for development!  That is why Apostle John said, “If we say we do not sin, we LIE and the truth is not in us, but if we confess our sins, He is faithful an just to forgive us our sins and to cleans us from all unrighteousness."

     Prophets and prophetic people need to spend time asking God for an encouraging word for another person that will help them find their prophetic voice--and they'll not only find it--but they'll discover people will listen to them.  Jesus, as you may remember, except for the unrepentant Pharisees, spent most of His time encouraging, building up and teaching those who needed the same from Him.  He spent precious little time correcting sin.  Most Old Testament Prophets walked alone with the exception of those who were in the Prophetic family of Moses or the prophetic company of Samuel and Elijah.  Too many New Testament Prophets and prophetic people use an Old Testament “walk alone” model when presenting their prophetic messages, rather than a New Testament, fivefold model.  

     Having oversight of a Apostolic Prophetic community for as long as I have we can surely testify that all too often prophetic people self-afflict some of the hurt and wounds they carry.  Most of it comes from a lack of training, and having never done an appreticeship under seasoned Prophets.  We call people who need their prophetic debugged, spiritual granola bars, "Fruit, Flakes, & NUTS." Todays Apostolic Prophetic Newsletter is our 107 volume and is taken from our new Updated version of our Prophetic Two course.  Hopefully this newsletter has stirred up your pure mind and caused you to stretch and exercise your God ordained ability within your redeemed human spirit.

Registration is open for those who are local to the Samuel Elijah Prophetic College, and the International Fivefold School of Ministry, so please go to    Or call our Administrator Minister Lisa Case at - 1-609-802-3094

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Coming Soon! Interactive Online Workshops

Cindy Allen will be hosting interactive, online workshops to empower Key Leaders in discerning the Times that witness of how God is moving on his people. 

Whether you serve the Body of Christ as a Five Fold Ministry Leader, or whether you serve as a Marketplace Leader, these customized, online workshops are purposed to empower, activate, and equip Laborers in the coming Harvest!  Ministry sessions are purposed to train, equip, and activate an individual in respect to the role that their gift plays in relationship to the corporate move of God in his people.   

We are at the brink of witnessing one of the greatest moves of God that the Body of Christ has ever known.  Laborers of this Harvest are being prepared in this hour. 

Discern the Times!     

The greatest KEY in discerning the Times is in KNOWING our members in order to give place for the gifts to function as they should.  Together, we learn to consistently occupy the spiritual ground we’ve been given in order to further advance the Kingdom of God in the earth.  Progressive growth through the ministry gifts reveals the relationship needed to co-labor together as Kings and Priests, after the order of Melchizedek. 

In order to advance the Kingdom, Marketplace Leaders must effectively occupy ground within their spheres of influence.  This is accomplished by identifying with the Five Fold ministry gifts in their full stature in relationship with Church Leadership of our cities.  Marketplace Leaders, Elders, and Five Fold Ministry Leaders learn to co-labor together to form Administrations.   

Administrations of King and Priest Ministry serve as governing bodies of corporate ministry.  These administrations serve to unite the greater, global church body.  Administrations further serve to strategically guide God’s people in revealing the corporate salvation of the global body.    

From Revealing Corporate Salvation to 
Manifesting the Covenant Needed to Heal Our Land   

Discerning and respecting the anointing of the Holy Spirit in our members is KEY in protecting the corporate salvation of cities, regions and nations.  Ministry progressively reveals how to manifest covenant in relationship to land and regions.  A body who can “occupy together” becomes equipped in effective intercession on behalf of cities, regions and nations.  
Israel knew how to relate to it’s own body as a nation.  The local church body is equipped to occupy new ground by discerning how the gifts of Eph. 4:11 function within the body.  Together, both functions of ministry serve to effectively equip a body to advance the Kingdom of God.  In like manner, the local church “grows” to know it’s members within our cities.  Administrations within cities rise to intercede on behalf of regions, while Regional Administrations rise to intercede on behalf or our nations. 

Come and join us as we endeavor to co-labor together to catch the Spirit towards greater purpose of ministry on behalf of our communities and cities!   God has called us into fellowship that witnesses of the place of Rest that comes to those who manifest Christ in the earth in these exciting times.  

For more information about these interactive Schools and Ministry Workshops, contact Cindy Allen at  

Friday, August 3, 2012

Vision of the Lord: Refining the Silver Within a Priesthood

In a vision, I saw the Lord walking ahead of me.   In his left hand, he carried a shiny new tin bucket.  In his right hand was a paint brush.   I was given the discernment that the substance in the bucket was an adhesive of some kind.  As the Lord walked ahead of me, there were times that he would dip his paint brush into the adhesive and paint certain areas on the ground.  

Tin is an alloy found in ore that is mixed with silver.  This alloy is removed from silver with fire.  The Hebrew defines tin as an alloy, as well as a plumb line.

Isaiah 1:  25 “I will also turn My hand against you,
And will smelt away your dross as with lye
And will remove all your alloy.
26 “Then I will restore your judges as at the first,
And your counselors as at the beginning;
After that you will be called the city of righteousness,
A faithful city.”

Isaiah 4: 9 - The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house, and his hands will finish it. Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you. 10 For who has despised the day of small things? But these seven will be glad when they see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel—these are the eyes of the Lord which range to and fro throughout the earth.” 

In another vision, I saw a tin bar that mounted two speakers horizontally within an amplifier.  Where vertical ministry rotates to steward the Kingdom horizontally, we have two equal values of the Kingdom through two separate expressions of ministry.  This is better understood through the Melchizedek order of Kings and Priests.  

Genesis 14:18 And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; now he was a priest of God Most High.

Many are speaking of the coming move of the Spirit.  Some began receiving visions of tsunami waves years ago.  Soon after receiving these visions, they entered into times of preparation as Laborers of the coming Harvest.  Regarding the same move of the Spirit, some were given understanding of new dispensations and administrations in the times ahead of us.  The sons of Zadok knew how to give counsel to Israel regarding the times and seasons.   Those who see the coming move of the Spirit as a dispensation are also speaking of the stewardship that is connected with this.   Again, this is best understood through the Melchizedek Priesthood order. 

Dispensation is simply an act of dispensing or distribution.  In the Melchizedek order,  there is one administration of Five Fold Ministry through Priests and another through Kings.  A dispensation means a certain order, system, arrangement or administration.  Where the Kingdom is stewarded to the world systems around us, an administration is born out of this order.  Much like Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers are born out of Christ as the gifts that he gave to men, administrations are birthed as gifts in relationship to spiritual structures that rule this earth.  The presence of the Kingdom brings every living thing out from under the law to reveal the relationship it has with the Kingdom of God.   Melchizedek brings Bread and Wine!

Where the tin, alloy, and dross are being separated from pure silver, we see a prophetic people rise in the image and likeness of Christ as a Priesthood.  Silver has redemptive qualities and often serves to represent the prophetic, while gold represents the apostolic.  Where a people find their way through The Way, a people relate through the ministries that Christ gave to the church.   

The refining that is coming to raise a Priesthood serves to deliver God’s people in the knowledge of their salvation in Christ.  It also reveals the Kingdom of God in the earth.  This move of the Spirit will not be seen behind a pulpit as much as it will be seen in the sons of God.  The waves of the Spirit will be seen in an uprising Priesthood.

Even as we have been prepared for this coming move of God in His people, we have also been prepared for the persecutions that would follow.  Persecution can and does come to those who make choice towards the Kingdom of God.  Our choices enable and empower the presence of the Kingdom in every area of life and relationship.  Accountability illuminates what we empower and give life to; whether it be Christ, or whether it be what the children of God need to be delivered from.  Psalms 91 and Job 18 give understanding of such times through great contrast.  Those who rise in Christ and trust in God will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.  

Psalm 91

Security of the One Who Trusts in the Lord.

91 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust!”
3 For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper
And from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with His pinions,
And under His wings you may seek refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.

Job 18: 5

5 “Indeed, the light of the wicked goes out,
And the flame of his fire gives no light.
6 “The light in his tent is darkened,
And his lamp goes out above him.
7 “His vigorous stride is shortened,
And his own scheme brings him down.
8 “For he is thrown into the net by his own feet,
And he steps on the webbing.
9 “A snare seizes him by the heel,
And a trap snaps shut on him.
10 “A noose for him is hidden in the ground,
And a trap for him on the path.

In the end of this period of refining, sons will be joined with sons through the fellowship needed to bring the Kingdom of God on earth.  Even as this includes Five Fold ministry leaders, the paradigm of relationship will bear witness of Kings and Priests.

Hebrews 7:17

17 For it is attested of Him, You are a priest forever
According to the order of Melchizedek.”

Kingdom blessings,

Cindy Allen