
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Making Ourselves Ready for God's "NEXT......."

As a church body, we are becoming more enlightened as to who we are as the Body of Christ, and especially as the Bride of Christ,  Even as we need revelation of Christ on so many levels of faith and lifestyle, we also need revelation knowledge of who we are as the Bride of Christ.  The Greek word for church is, “ecclesia”.  An ecclesia refers to those who are “called out” into a place of an assembly.  What is the purpose of our assembly?  To know Christ and make Him known.  In the Son, all see the Father and His Kingdom!  First, our fellowship within the assembly must be defined and confirmed in the Holy Spirit.  As spoken of in Acts 2:42, the Greek word for fellowship is “koinonea”, which means:  

1) fellowship, association, community, communion, joint participation, intercourse 

a) the share which one has in anything, participation
b) intercourse, fellowship, intimacy
1) the right hand as a sign and pledge of fellowship (in fulfilling the apostolic office)
c) a gift jointly contributed, a collection, a contribution, as exhibiting an embodiment and proof of fellowship

We immediately find that where we are “called out” into the counsel of those who are like-minded, signs and wonders soon begin showing up in other circles of relationship to reveal where God is moving in our lives to bring the Kingdom.   Our forward momentum within an ecclesia will often place demands on relationships in other areas of our lives.  As it does, we soon begin seeing what the Greek is referring to in it’s reference to “come out”.   Enlightened in the Holy Spirit, we begin coming out of false or broken relational standards that wound the souls of people.  False relational standards serve to break down the community needed to build the lives of people.  To know Christ In safety and in peace in every facet of lifestyle is to not only enter the Kingdom of God, but to dwell within the Kingdom of God while we are on earth!  The Christ way, or the Christian way, builds people through God’s eternal value systems that never fail or become corrupt.   

Early on in my Christian walk, as soon as I began learning to hear God’s voice, I also began discerning the voice of the Holy Spirit - who is separate from Christ.  In relationship to the ecclesia, the Holy Spirit is always moving to lead us into Christ in His manifold expressions.  Beginning with that of a church body, the ecclesia goes on to form family, community, governments and/or administrations, etc.  

1 Corinthians 12:28
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
28 And God has appointed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues.

Anytime that I personally “SEE” Christ, He is appearing to reveal the NEXT thing,  The experience that is to follow reveals relationship with those who will bring mutual participation in whatever the next thing is that God leads us into!  The demonstration of Zion in the earth (through the ecclesia) comes through our revelation of knowing how to bring the Kingdom of God to earth.   Simply put, we form the body that will manifest Christ in the earth in whatever area of life that God leads us to be an influence in.  

The Church is not in bricks and mortar, even though this structure can house our meetings.  The Church is living because God lives through Christ in us!  In so being, we must continually be joined to works that will demonstrate the nature and attributes of Christ to a hurting world who needs to be reconciled with God.      

Looking forward to God's next thing!

Kingdom blessings,

Cindy Allen

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Upward Call

In Philippians 3:14, Paul writes about pressing on to the mark, or the goal, for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.   

To the ecclesia (a functional Church body as Christ intended), the forming of Christ in one body soon leads to the forming of Christ in other spheres of service.  Here, the upward call of the Kingdom of God is revealed in Christ through his manifold expressions on earth. 

To the church body, a completed work is revealed among members who stay the course to see the finished work in the fullness of times.  The fullness of times, being the prize, is Christ formed in and through a body in a completed work.  The fullness of times in Christ serve to bring demonstration of the Kingdom of God on earth.  Even in the presence of the miraculous, miracles can manifest for the purpose of showing us where we presently are on a spiritual map to where we are going in this upward call.   We can be sure that anytime an ecclesia is formed for any reason, an upward ascent will follow once God has revealed a higher standard to obtain.  Without understanding and direction, people can feel challenged beyond what they feel they’re equipped to handle.   For this reason, we learn to measure ourselves in how, when, where, and why the gifts of Christ begin to operate in respect to the Prize that is set before us.  

To the Church, a government which is purposed to equip and empower a people is formed within a body.  Beyond a church body, a standard is raised to build both family and community.  Beyond that, spiritual gifts can and do operate in relationship to marketplace spheres.  

Since this is a progressive pattern of growth, we must pay close attention to the signs that often follow the wonders.  Signs serve to point to Doorways or Portals that are purposed to open our discernment as to how to apprehend the “times of Christ” needed to raise or release a body towards the higher goals that God is calling us to.  

In Philippians 3:15, Paul goes on to say, “therefore, as many as are perfect, have this attitude; and if in anything you have a different attitude, God will reveal that also to you.  16  however, let us keep living by that same standard to which we have attained.  17  Brethren, join in following my example and observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us.

In the world, authority is often expressed through what is positional, as in having authority over people.  An ecclesia, on the other hand, serves to raise standards that people can rise to and grow through, thus building up all who share in a particular community.  As in all community, growth within a body can locate stress or pressure points that serve to mark where we need to begin building.  

If our eyes are dim, we only see and hear after what is earthly or natural.  Where we are enlightened by a progressive flow of revelation of Christ in a body, the ministry that comes forth will feed, equip, and establish our members to enable them to move in sync with God’s timing and greater purposes.       

Beyond the fruit of prophecy, the prophetic realm should always provide God’s people with the experience of the divine atmosphere of grace and heaven.  When this is shared with God, as well as with His people, we soon learn the blessing that stewardship brings into our midst.  Stewardship becomes the Gateway to experiencing the apostolic (Foundation Ministry of Apostles) so that revelation becomes manifestation in the lives of all who participate.  Where this is so, people are planted and established as trees, soon to yield greater fruit.  Inasmuch as our fruitfulness bears witness of The Tree that we eat from, as well as the Vine that we abide in, the greater part that God is leading us toward involves multiplying bread (the word) for the meat needed in the journey that is yet before us.  In times of expansion, we can find ourselves toiling or striving all night without a catch.    

After his death, in his third appearance to his disciples, Jesus revealed himself to them by the Sea of Tiberias.  (John 21)  It’s interesting to know that the Sea of Tiberias was named in honor of Tiberias Caesar.  Throughout the life of Jesus, Tiberias was the ruling emperor of Rome and was in power when Jesus was crucified.  

The purpose of the Church is to establish the rule and the government of the Kingdom of God on earth.  This can only be accomplished through the greater works that Jesus promised.  Our entry into greater dimensions of “rule” that governs the people of this earth comes as we receive of revelation of Christ in relationship to God’s creation.  Melchizedek brings the bread and wine of fellowship to all nations.  Fellowship that leads to faith is the greater meat needed to demonstrate how the Kingdom comes to disciple nations in respect to their given sphere of influence and authority.  

In John 21, Jesus did not identify with how or what his disciples were toiling in as much as he identified himself in them.  He also identified where they were in him at that particular time.  Jesus, the Word of God, called to himself in His disciples and provided the meat they needed for their upward call.   “Children”…..

John 21:  5 So Jesus *said to them, “Children, you do not have any fish, do you?” They answered Him, “No.” 6 And He said to them, Cast the net on the right-hand side of the boat and you will find a catch.” So they cast, and then they were not able to haul it in because of the great number of fish.

Here, the Greek word for children is paidion and refers to infants.  Rather than address what was broken down, or not working, Jesus addressed what needed to be built up.  He then ministered out of what he was already modeling to them before their face.  The dawn of each new day brings new revelation of Jesus in how we are to go forth in this upward call.  Even as the fullness of times brings us to full stature within each season, we must remain childlike and teachable in order to abide in God’s rest to enter the next seasons.  Zion continually reveals the high places of revelation, as well as the low places that need manifestation of the Kingdom of God on earth.  

In Christ, there is no hierarchy - only the ecclesia that raises the standard and the rule for all people to dwell together in unity.   In John 21, Christ raised a standard for the disciples that revealed his own Lordship to them.  He then invited them to be mutual partakers and stewards of what he was revealing to them.  This is the way of Zion and the Kingdom of God!  

Psalm 69:35

35 For God will save Zion and build the cities of Judah,
That they may dwell there and possess it.

Kingdom blessings, 

Cindy Allen