In the early years, I began receiving visions of a move of God taking place in the church. From prophetic dreams and visions, to learning to cultivate the ministry I was shown through small spirit-led teams and fellowships, to now, the form of the ministry continues to change. Since much of what I wrote within my journal was never shared with anyone, the first "signs of the times" were revealed to me when those I was relating with began to speak, or announce things that were previously hidden or unknown.
A few years after my "Blue Angel" experience (which I never spoke openly of), a couple who I closely related with one day announced that they had seen the "Blue Angel". They experienced far more than just discernment of an atmosphere. They actually saw a large, full bodied angel with a gold breast plate, carrying a large sword. And yes, he was blue. In our awakening to spiritual things, it occurred to me that maybe the angel wasn't really blue; maybe it was the color of the atmosphere that he was appearing through. Ministry multiplies from one generation to another. When it does, the function and operation changes. Maybe the angel appeared to them within an atmosphere of revelation. Even as they were receiving new and fresh revelation, in blessing them, my own revelation began to multiply. When it did, I began to clearly see the function of three-dimensional prophetic ministry.
Three Dimensional Prophetic Ministry
- The fruit, which is prophesy. (Hearing God)
- A prophetic atmosphere that initiates SEEING prophetic dimensions. This comes from a sanctified lifestyle.
- A prophetic foundation that brings multiplication to every new season of harvest. The fruit will always bear witness of the root.
Ministry activation into specific spheres and dimensions bring manifestations of the Spirit. Manifestations of the spirit become seed that we appropriate to lifestyle and marketplace venues. New venues produce new demonstrations of ministry where God's glory will eventually be what becomes manifest.
In this magnitude of ministry, the Holy Spirit must be the greatest one who is manifest at all times. Naturally, from my original place of limited discernment, I was very interested in learning about all that my friends were seeing and experiencing. We should be very watchful of the times that ministry is transferred from one generation to another, as well as from one dimension to another. Multiplication, which is the blessing upon seed, will always demonstrate greater works from one season to another. These are the times to equip and disciple, release and bless!
Not long after this amazing vision of the "Blue Angel", my friend had a dream where he saw the three of us: him, his wife and myself, all standing back to back. This time, instead of the angel, each of us were holding a large sword. In his dream, neither of us could see the other two. Together, we formed a triangle and from that triangle, we each saw the Father (His Kingdom) together. As we had our backs to each other, we each were moving our swords and moving with the spirit with every move being completely synchronized together.
From there, the ministry once again began to take on a new curve to again be reshaped. Through somewhat of a metaphor, my next revelation of the "Blue Angel" came from earth, rather than heaven. What a switch! Now, God was suddenly pointing us to something on earth that was "like" the Kingdom of God in how he wanted to demonstrate ministry. Many of us know about the Navy's Blue Angels. The season that followed served to bring apostolic team ministry, and the works of this ministry to light. Every season of revelation will be followed by a season of discipling the works that follow revelation. So much so, that I tend to file away the great heavenly visitations and the manifestations that they bring. I don't open those files again until God prompts me to through a new season.
About a month ago, God began nudging me back into the direction of the Blue Angels. Only this time, His nudging was very specific to the teamwork he had revealed earlier. Sure enough, a couple of weeks after God began to speak to me about this, the signs begin to appear around me again. A couple of weeks ago, a man that I work with brought a magazine to work. When I noticed the magazine, he picked it up and brought it to me. "Let me show you pictures of my son. He's in the Marines and was a Pilot for the Blue Angels a few years ago". As a proud father, he eagerly showed me the accomplishments of his son. I also received quite a download of facts in how these Pilots are trained. When flying in formation, there are times that their wings are only eighteen inches apart. Each Pilot must skillfully know how to fly his own aircraft in close proximity with other Pilots like himself.
This is the magnitude of ministry that God is calling Team Leadership to. There can be no lone "runners". All must learn to soar! There is counsel that we receive in relationship to our cities, regions and nations that we only receive when we are in formation. Even as we admire the Navy's Blue Angels, their formation witnesses of how the Geese fly together. "It is a known fact that, by flying in the "V" formation, the whole flock adds 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew alone. Much like the geese, people who share a common direction and sense of community get where they are going quicker and easier because they are traveling on the thrust of one another." (Quote from
Whether in the marketplace, or whether in local church ministry, we find this to also be true within the community that team leadership builds together. Not only this, but being sharpened in the gifts within peer level relationships serve to sharpen our discernment of greater dimensions of faith and ministry.
Whatever our vision is, we should be yielded to those who God chooses to use to speak into the vision. Ministry with works will always require the participation of others. When the baton is being passed, the glory of the Lord is released. Where the glory is released to others, the form of the ministry will change. Even so, we are always expanded in the increase as we go from faith to faith and from glory to glory.
The Navy's Blue Angels still offers a great example of how ministry simulates the community needed to take ministry as we know it to the next level. Enjoy the link below!
Kingdom blessings,
Cindy Allen
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