
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Navigating Kairos Times From Glory to Glory

Walking by vision involves our commitment to worship God through the daily choices that we make towards the Kingdom.  These daily choices lead us in wholeness of spirit to be holy as God is holy.  The crossroads of choice becomes illuminated where the Holy Spirit moves to give us spiritual discernment into deeper matters that concern our lives and relationships.  This spiritual insight of the Kingdom is purposed to lead our life onto strategic paths that become a significant part of our learning as disciples and sons.  For this reason, we need to be equipped in how to continually walk in truth so that we go from glory to glory, and from blessing to blessing.  

Defining Kairos Times

Revelation 1:3
Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near.

In this context, the Greek defines time as due measure, an opportune or seasonable time.  It also means a fixed and definite time, the time when things are brought to crisis, the decisive epoch (season) waited for.

In respect to spirit led discipleship, I often see the Holy Spirit move to reveal Jesus through people’s lives in relationship with the written, logos word.  We should understand that even where scripture is considered to have been fulfilled, the same scripture can be revealed in relationship to the Rhema, prophetic word in relationship to prophetic (Kairos) times.      

To expound on this more fully, we understand that the written word is connected to natural events that took place in relationship to “a fixed time”.  The Kairos is further defined as a fixed time, or an appointed time.  The choices that we make at the threshold of these appointed times with Christ and the Kingdom of God will greatly affect the future events that begin unfolding in our lives as a result of these choices.  Once we learn how to navigate Kairos times, or walk by vision, we learn how to take an active part in fulfilling the prophetic (rhema) words that are spoken over our lives.  More importantly, we learn how these words are fulfilled in relationship to how we align ourselves to God’s written word.

Recently, the Holy Spirit began to move within one team to literally demonstrate how the Tree of Life becomes manifest in our lives versus the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  This was revealed in very personal relationships and God chose to demonstrate this scripture through the “season” that everyone could mutually relate with and share in.  Obviously, the written, logos word gives us an understanding of how Adam and Eve enjoyed a oneness with God.  The relationship of covenant that was shared between Adam and Eve would have caused their own personal relationship with God to be deepened.  The covenant of marriage between Adam and Eve is the first place in the Bible where we see how the blessing of covenant becomes the multiplier of all future blessings.
Without the revelation of how true relationship embodies the oneness of both spirit and soul life, we have no understanding of how to tend the rest of the relationships within the Garden.  In respect to the written, logos word, present day truth would demonstrate the same word to reveal how the soul life (female) began to govern the spirit life (husband).  Until we understand how to honor covenant in relationship to the Bride of Christ and other relationships, we have no discernment or understanding of how to walk by vision in order to see Christ through the greater Kairos times.  Kairos times only appear to us where present truth is being fulfilled relationally to manifest the “fullness of times”.  Christ and the Kingdom of God can only be embodied where spirit and soul are one through all relationships that reveal this covenant.  Where disorder comes to divide the unity represented in what is operating whole, we see people begin to lift their soul life to have their own way in matters where Jesus should be exalted as the Head of the Body.  Beginning with the unity of spirit and soul unto wholeness, Jesus becomes present “where two or three are gathered in His name.  (Matt 18:20)   

From those who honor this order within covenant, we see the greater works of Jesus being raised and multiplied.  From the very union and unity that allows Christ to manifest in our midst, the ministries of Christ become multiplied to raise standards that build relationships and community.  From the standards that build people and community, we see greater order being raised.  Where we understand how order empowers us to stay the course in times that are beyond our discernment, we see destiny unlocked and greater administrations of ministry begin being revealed. 

Everyone will know times of spiritual storms, even as we all know what spiritual shakings are.  What can be shaken may be a belief system, an area of relationship, or unfruitful works that are not established in the Kingdom.  These are the signs of the times that need to alert us as to where and how to build our lives upon the foundations of Jesus Christ.  In darkness, or times where disorder is revealed, we do well to be faithful in the small things knowing that God will multiply this in the fullness of times.  To be faithful in the small things, we only need to practice simple faith.  


“We know disciples by their love”.  (John 13:35) 

“In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.  (Matthew 7:12)

 “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends  (John 15:13)


For further edification, we can know the times of the fulfillment of God’s promises are near.  We only need to know how to stay the course in how we honor God and His people in our forward progression in the Kingdom of God.


I pray these words would strengthen and edify those who partake of this ministry.  If you would like to make a financial contribution, you may follow this link.  Offering

Kingdom blessings,

Cindy Allen

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Shift of 2012

As we approach the year 2012, much of our focus of ministry will be directed to the order of the house that we’re established through.  The order that we’re aligned with should propel us forward in greater Kingdom purpose as momentum continues to build. 

The ground that we presently occupy should honor the generations who have gone before as well as those who are to follow.  Where there is relational balance between these two generations, we continue to experience access to new and higher realms of God’s glory.  We also experience the acceleration that follows.  From acceleration, momentum builds and our vision expands to empower us to watch over three to four spheres of ministry.  As we guard these areas of relationship and ministry, our spiritual discernment becomes sharpened so that we know an upward order of  motion from that which goes downward. 

Where fellowships are being mobilized through Kingdom momentum, there is a sound from heaven that gathers, activates and quickens our members towards the upward call of God in Christ. 

Momentum is a progressed order of ministry that flows out of relationship with three or four spheres of ministry.  Out of momentum, discernment of spirit, as well as discernment of up or down motion is established.  This discernment is most important because both directions align us to a specific order.  While the number twelve represents perfection of government, the number eleven represents disorder, especially from broken order or relationship.  An upward call will always experience increase and multiplication, while a downward motion results in division and loss.  This discernment is needed to identify the greater works of Christ that we continually seek to be joined to as we go from glory to glory. 

Regarding three spheres of ministry and relationship, the number three represents what is complete and solid, while the number four represents God’s creative works, especially that which is associated with the earth.   I have led a great deal of ministry that was activated through the knowledge of divine order, especially where covenant is established through a three fold cord with people.  From our inner circle of relationships, one sphere of ministry will naturally minister to Eldership, while a second sphere of ministry will often be towards discipleship.  These spheres of ministry can also be likened to outer court ministry, as well as inner court and the Holiest Place.  Regardless of what we call it, we should be able to minister to the body, spirit and soul of the Three Day Church.  Once we can relate to a Three Day Church in respect to all of our members, we’re ready to make the shift needed to minister to the world through a different order.      

The Significance of Four:  The Fourth Dimension

As we prepare for greater harvest, much of our ministry will begin being directed through an order of equipping that operates from the Garden.  In the past season, the church has been successful in reproducing the Kingdom of God through the ministries of Christ.  This has resulted in the ministries being fully restored to the Church.  In the season that we’re entering into, we will be led to extend the ministry of Tabernacles through an order of equipping that operates in respect to the world through the knowledge of the Garden.  As a result, the world’s systems will begin to be directly affected through the relationship that is drawn. 

The Ministry of Times and Seasons 

Cheled is a Hebrew word for world, which means age, world or time.  Kosmos, which is a Greek word for world, means a harmonious arrangement or constitution, order, or government. 

The Holy Spirit must be present to lead spirit led discipleship in respect to the order of creation.  Even as we may have learned many seasons of equipping through this order, we do not know the order of equipping, or the appointed times of the people.

Acts 1:7

 7And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.

Disciple making operates more in relationship to the order of creation, while sonship is activated and equipped through Five Fold ministry.  Family and community life is built up through discipleship.  We should be discerning of both streams of ministry according to how the Holy Spirit leads in respect to people’s individual lives.  I sometimes witness ministry equipping being interrupted or delayed to give place for discipleship.  We should be comfortable serving both meat and milk at our table, even as we minister the revelation of both.  Community that encourages ministry to both fathers and sons, as well as disciples and sons enjoys God’s creativity in its members. 

Beyond the ministry of making disciples, we experience a progressed order of ministry purposed to build marketplace and business structures.  Even as we minister to structure, the windows that open from this relationship will lead to greater movements towards reconciliation and restoration. 

In the times ahead, we will need to be very sensitive to the spirit in respect to the purpose of the ministry that we’re leading.

Grace and peace,

Cindy Allen

Friday, December 16, 2011

Submission, Order, Authority and Accountability

Presently, there is much being said in apostolic and prophetic circles about submission, order and the accountability within our relationships.  It also seems that more is being said about what is not and who is not rather that what is!  If we are truly about the business of the Kingdom, then we will likewise be in the business of building people in the Kingdom! 

Much of what I hear on the topics of submission, order, authority, and accountability come out of what most people perceive through their own gifting.  While submission to gifts will reproduce gifts, lack of relationship to greater counsel will result in order without power and without true spiritual authority. Apart from the full counsel, what embodies our ministry will have a form of godliness, while being void of power.   If the rule that we measure others by comes out of our gift, as opposed to sonship, we will ultimately fall into the error of  measuring others outside of the greater community that their hardwired for.  

Those of us who operate in apostolic ministry are well acquainted with the Times and Seasons.  Apostolic order positions us through TEAM to apprehend the greater works of ministry by discerning Kairos (Christ) times.  Even as we co-labor with others to solidify ministry that was previously unseen, we are also about the business of discipling the works we have already known through rising sons.  As sons carry within them the DNA of the fathers, the sons will also give new breath and new expression to what was already established by the fathers. 

We can liken apostolic ministry to how notes and chords give witness to who they are in relationship to a musical scale.  Some people will hear the song of the sons to enjoy the prophetic atmosphere that their music creates.  Others will be compelled to come in closer to study the music (apostolic ministry) so that they can learn to sing the same songs.  

In their sending, sons will always carry the seed of what the fathers pioneered into new soil.  New soil will always "resound" an octave higher than what the fathers built.  Jesus always gave witness of the Father in all that he did.  If the structure of the building (ministry) is grand, then the building must give witness of the foundations that support it.  If Jesus is the cornerstone in all that is built on those same foundations, then the works of it will be declared by yet a third, even a fourth generation who sees the Father because of it.  

With the very nature of apostolic ministry being generational through our sonship, what generation can boast above the one who went before, or the one who is coming after?  From ministry that begins as a disciple's "chain of reign" to the fullness of sonship, who determines who is the least and who is the greatest within a greater Priesthood?  The greater works of Christ that we're joined to are continually manifesting the times so that HE be seen in a Royal Priesthood of Kings and Priests. 

Apostolic ministry is multi-generational.  Sonship is relational to ministry gifts in that the gifts mature out of sonship.   For this reason, submission and accountability should flow out of an order of father to son ministry where the ministries are connected to what is generational.  Father to son ministry will always expand to King and Priest ministry where the hidden works of Christ can be openly demonstrated within a greater Priesthood. 

Here is what order reveals through ministry:  From father to son; to apostolic team.  From apostolic team to King and Priest.  What we "see" serves to identify the part that we're joined with.  If we attempt to be joined to a complete order of ministry through our gift as opposed to sonship, we will eventually oppose God.  Sonship draws mutual relationship with all members.  In this respected relationship, Christ is known in all members.  Apart from sonship, we lack the relationship needed to be rightly connected to the whole body.  Apart from sonship, "order" will always build after a pyramid structure of authority..  Kingdom ministry is always successive to release sons.   We never see or discern the whole order of ministry in respect to our own gift.  We have fellowship with the whole order of ministry as sons who are submitted to an order of fathers and sons.   

Because the Kingdom demonstrates order that is progressive, those of us who lead apostolic ministry will at times be questioned in our motives.  When questions and concerns are addressed in the light of true accountability within the whole counsel of ministry, then the order of the ministry is understood  through credible witnesses. 

When there are disagreements, what is credible (accountable) will always be submitted to the order within the whole counsel of the ministry that is in question.  In the presence of the whole counsel, the works and deeds of each individual is clearly seen, including those who have questions.  Apostolic ministry is first relational.  Secondly, apostolic ministry is generational and is connected to a greater order beyond people's individual ministries.  For this reason, it's not possible to single out one person's motives or accountability apart from the whole order of ministry that their connected with.  If one person within a ministry is called into question, then the entire ministry body should be addressed.  To pull a person out from the branch they serve in and demand submission to an order that their not called to is out of order.  These works are very damaging to people and to ministry.   

Regarding submission and accountability, sons do not bring themselves back under bondage.  Those who lead, lead by example.  Our doing will always flow out of our being.  While we do not condemn others, neither do we have fellowship with the darkness.  In the light of truth, a tree will be known by it's fruit and the times will manifest it.  Light will reveal the hidden works so that our fruit is  openly manifest in the light.  Those who love the light will be drawn into the light where covenant is revealed and openly demonstrated.  Those who love the darkness will shrink back from the light in fear of their works being exposed.     

As a laborer of the harvest,  I pray that the works that I boast in would boast of those who have gone before me as well as those who are to come after me.  Even so, each of us must have our own personal relationships who keep us accountable to standards of excellence in the high calling of Christ.  Even as we branch out to relate with a more corporate body, we should give honor where honor is due in respect to those who labor with us in the love of Christ.  


Cindy Allen