
Friday, December 16, 2011

Submission, Order, Authority and Accountability

Presently, there is much being said in apostolic and prophetic circles about submission, order and the accountability within our relationships.  It also seems that more is being said about what is not and who is not rather that what is!  If we are truly about the business of the Kingdom, then we will likewise be in the business of building people in the Kingdom! 

Much of what I hear on the topics of submission, order, authority, and accountability come out of what most people perceive through their own gifting.  While submission to gifts will reproduce gifts, lack of relationship to greater counsel will result in order without power and without true spiritual authority. Apart from the full counsel, what embodies our ministry will have a form of godliness, while being void of power.   If the rule that we measure others by comes out of our gift, as opposed to sonship, we will ultimately fall into the error of  measuring others outside of the greater community that their hardwired for.  

Those of us who operate in apostolic ministry are well acquainted with the Times and Seasons.  Apostolic order positions us through TEAM to apprehend the greater works of ministry by discerning Kairos (Christ) times.  Even as we co-labor with others to solidify ministry that was previously unseen, we are also about the business of discipling the works we have already known through rising sons.  As sons carry within them the DNA of the fathers, the sons will also give new breath and new expression to what was already established by the fathers. 

We can liken apostolic ministry to how notes and chords give witness to who they are in relationship to a musical scale.  Some people will hear the song of the sons to enjoy the prophetic atmosphere that their music creates.  Others will be compelled to come in closer to study the music (apostolic ministry) so that they can learn to sing the same songs.  

In their sending, sons will always carry the seed of what the fathers pioneered into new soil.  New soil will always "resound" an octave higher than what the fathers built.  Jesus always gave witness of the Father in all that he did.  If the structure of the building (ministry) is grand, then the building must give witness of the foundations that support it.  If Jesus is the cornerstone in all that is built on those same foundations, then the works of it will be declared by yet a third, even a fourth generation who sees the Father because of it.  

With the very nature of apostolic ministry being generational through our sonship, what generation can boast above the one who went before, or the one who is coming after?  From ministry that begins as a disciple's "chain of reign" to the fullness of sonship, who determines who is the least and who is the greatest within a greater Priesthood?  The greater works of Christ that we're joined to are continually manifesting the times so that HE be seen in a Royal Priesthood of Kings and Priests. 

Apostolic ministry is multi-generational.  Sonship is relational to ministry gifts in that the gifts mature out of sonship.   For this reason, submission and accountability should flow out of an order of father to son ministry where the ministries are connected to what is generational.  Father to son ministry will always expand to King and Priest ministry where the hidden works of Christ can be openly demonstrated within a greater Priesthood. 

Here is what order reveals through ministry:  From father to son; to apostolic team.  From apostolic team to King and Priest.  What we "see" serves to identify the part that we're joined with.  If we attempt to be joined to a complete order of ministry through our gift as opposed to sonship, we will eventually oppose God.  Sonship draws mutual relationship with all members.  In this respected relationship, Christ is known in all members.  Apart from sonship, we lack the relationship needed to be rightly connected to the whole body.  Apart from sonship, "order" will always build after a pyramid structure of authority..  Kingdom ministry is always successive to release sons.   We never see or discern the whole order of ministry in respect to our own gift.  We have fellowship with the whole order of ministry as sons who are submitted to an order of fathers and sons.   

Because the Kingdom demonstrates order that is progressive, those of us who lead apostolic ministry will at times be questioned in our motives.  When questions and concerns are addressed in the light of true accountability within the whole counsel of ministry, then the order of the ministry is understood  through credible witnesses. 

When there are disagreements, what is credible (accountable) will always be submitted to the order within the whole counsel of the ministry that is in question.  In the presence of the whole counsel, the works and deeds of each individual is clearly seen, including those who have questions.  Apostolic ministry is first relational.  Secondly, apostolic ministry is generational and is connected to a greater order beyond people's individual ministries.  For this reason, it's not possible to single out one person's motives or accountability apart from the whole order of ministry that their connected with.  If one person within a ministry is called into question, then the entire ministry body should be addressed.  To pull a person out from the branch they serve in and demand submission to an order that their not called to is out of order.  These works are very damaging to people and to ministry.   

Regarding submission and accountability, sons do not bring themselves back under bondage.  Those who lead, lead by example.  Our doing will always flow out of our being.  While we do not condemn others, neither do we have fellowship with the darkness.  In the light of truth, a tree will be known by it's fruit and the times will manifest it.  Light will reveal the hidden works so that our fruit is  openly manifest in the light.  Those who love the light will be drawn into the light where covenant is revealed and openly demonstrated.  Those who love the darkness will shrink back from the light in fear of their works being exposed.     

As a laborer of the harvest,  I pray that the works that I boast in would boast of those who have gone before me as well as those who are to come after me.  Even so, each of us must have our own personal relationships who keep us accountable to standards of excellence in the high calling of Christ.  Even as we branch out to relate with a more corporate body, we should give honor where honor is due in respect to those who labor with us in the love of Christ.  


Cindy Allen

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