
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Four Parts of Kingdom Building

Our equipping in the ministries of Christ leads us into the ascension ministries.  In the ascension of Christ, there are four watermarks of ministry that identify with specific functions within each administration.  Having a spiritual road-map helps to identify where we are presently in respect to where we are going.  Understanding of the times also helps to anchor us in faith that is immovable.  This is especially needed where we are graduating towards greater functions.  

Even as the move of the Spirit is specific to the part that each of our members are being equipped in, a global perspective helps us to identity the greater works and it’s many parts.   Being synchronized with the works of Christ on a global scale prepares us in how to draw fellowship with works being raised for the good of the whole body.   While we remain steadfast in the first foundations, it’s also needful to understand how to co-labor in new works that are purposed to build towards all reaching their full stature in Christ.   

Eph 4: 11 And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; 13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.  

The Local Church

Within a local administration, the gifts serve to build the House on the foundations of the Apostles and Prophets in respect to the Father to Son Paradigm.  Those who are submitted to authority receive of the same.  Once the oil that flows downward becomes multiplied outwardly beyond these parameters, we begin moving towards a more regional demonstration of ministry.  

Regional Administrations

Through a regional administration of ministry, the body must be discerning of it's members for the purpose of empowering Christ in his body.  Equal revelation of Christ is also needed to discern God's order in respect to creation for the purpose of building Kingdom community.  From a regional perspective, we loose our respect of  persons in exchange for respect of the boundaries needed to begin discerning generational plumb lines.  These plumb lines serve to join us to the greater works of Christ where the momentum of the Kingdom begins building.  Here, the Kingdom is extended through fellowship to empower Christ in His body.  This is where we learn to make disciples in relationship to their own communities and individual spheres of grace and influence.  

The greater works that we become engaged in serves to re-calibrate the gifts to function in the greater works.  A regional administration will function to reconcile relational gaps that begin to appear through greater community.  Our relational choices become motivated towards engaging in the greater works necessary to bring needed shifts in people.  Spiritual shifts lead people to make Kingdom choices towards building their lives on the foundations needed to overcome their present circumstances. 

From Discipleship to Sonship

Disciples who learn to govern their lives FROM the foundations of the Apostles and Prophets become sons.  Where the ministry gifts becomes the vehicle (Priesthood) that mobilizes disciples towards mature sonship, we see God rising in the people.    

A Global Perspective of Sonship

Unless our members are discerning of other members within their functioning sphere of grace (administration), we fail to give place for the whole work that the sons will appear through.  For this purpose, the move of the Spirit that is presently upon us is for the purpose of establishing the global church body within an expression of the Kingdom that expands our present value systems.  

The quickening spirit of Christ is the manifestation of God's glory in a corporate body that witnesses of Christ in the earth.  This glory comes to those who recognize the times in order to apprehend the greater works.  While the gifts have their form and function within a church body, THE Son reveals himself in many forms and expressions of ministry throughout the marketplaces within a global sphere.

The Fourth Phase of Building:
From Paradigm to Paradox

The fourth phase of building serves to establish us on foundations built for more global purposes.  A paradigm is defined as a set of forms, all of which contain a particular element, especially the set of all inflected forms based on a single-stem or theme.  A paradox is defined as a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd, but in reality expresses a possible truth.  

Local church ministry, as well as regional administrations, are built upon a father and son paradigm where the anointing and ministry flows downward from one generation to the next.  Beginning with the Apostles and the Prophets, a global administration shifts us into an expression of ministry that is revealed  more fully through a paradox.    

A regional expression of the father to son paradigm is purposed to demonstrate the ministry through a more corporate perspective.   In our forward momentum, the measure of faith and grace given to one (single) generation builds a second (single) generation.  Mobilization of both parts working together serves to reveal how the glory rests on one, only to lift and begin resting on the other.  Soon, we have a body being carried by what appears to be "two feet walking".   

In the ascension of Christ, we begin seeing these two generations begin to shift from paradigms to paradox(es).  Two ministries, or administrations that contrast each other bring the balance needed to manifest a greater witness of Christ in the earth.  The quickening spirit of Christ continues to be experienced through mutual relationship.  While the oil continues to flow downward, mature expressions of Christ come forth through two or more (established) witnesses.  

The first paradox that we begin seeing in these times will be expressed through that of the Apostles and Prophets.  

Foundations of Mobility 

What is built upon foundations of mobility will experience the sending power demonstrated by the Apostles.  In order to be firmly established in the Kingdom through all that the Kingdom advances us through, we need to examine these foundations in how one brings contrast to another.  Contrast brings understanding of how ministry functions through a paradox.  

The Foundations of the Apostles

The foundations of the Apostles serve to establish us on faith that is firm and unmovable.  While community is full of variables that are ever changing, apostolic foundations are constant and never change.   Faith from these foundations keep us abased.  Spiritual discernment is multiplied to those who go from faith to faith and from glory to glory in humility.  

All that is built FROM apostolic foundations is reproduced through divine order through greater community.  We find this to be true even through what appears to be outwardly changing.  Our ability to discern the times largely rests on discerning the spirit of Christ that obediently abides within God's order.  We speak of spiritual matters in the timing of the Holy Spirit.  This is especially so where he is moving to establish people on these foundations.  

The Foundations of the Prophets        

While the foundations of the Apostles are immovable, the foundations of the Prophets serve to mobilize us.  Here lies the paradox!

From faith to faith, the function of the ministries themselves must be discerned before we understand how to respond to God and his people.  When the sons become sent, they will be sent in the continuation of a lineage through one or both of these generations.  Before we can be relational to ministry that operates in respect to the generations, we must be discerning of how people are first established on these foundations.  Vision allows us to see ministry from beginning to end so that we may accurately speak into the times with precision. 

Ministry that is reproduced through prophetic times and/or prophetic acts or works, become solidified in the faith of the Apostles in the fullness of times.  The greater works that are born from this leads to the Kingdom being established through divine order through greater community.  

The Appearance of Zion

The marriage of apostolic and prophetic ministries lead to the appearance of Zion where the low places of community become built up.   

Within Zion, the father and son paradigm graduates to the King and Priest order of ministry.  Ministry to the Priesthood should relate through foundations that are purposed to mobilize sons. Community that is built upon these foundations will reproduce after the same.  

In times of increase, we need to be more discerning of divine order than we are of form so that we can apprehend the greater works of Christ. Stability comes to community that builds upon the revelation and knowledge of Christ, especially in respect to creation and the nations.  

The Reign of the Lord's Annointed

Psalm 2:6-11

11:  “But as for Me, I have installed My King
Upon Zion, My holy mountain.”
“I will surely tell of the decree of the Lord:
He said to Me, ‘You are My Son,
Today I have begotten You.
‘Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance,
And the very ends of the earth as Your possession.
‘You shall break them with a rod of iron,
You shall shatter them like earthenware.’”
10 Now therefore, O kings, show discernment;
Take warning, O judges of the earth.
11 Worship the Lord with reverence


Friday, October 26, 2012

Wisdom, and the Season of Thirty, Sixty, and Ninety Fold

Upon entering the Kingdom of heaven, we soon find that our assessment of spirit and natural realms engage us with a more global church body in respect to all we know of the Kingdom of God..  All that we have understood of the father and son paradigms becomes applied through the knowledge that we gain of the generations.

The relationship we have with one Apostle is applicable to all Apostles.  The relationship we have with one son is applicable to all sons. Until we see the stewardship of the Kingdom through these two generational streams, we never fully understand how to build the House intended for all to dwell in.  Those who are wise know that we cannot build our own house or our own Kingdoms.  There is the ministry of the sons and to the sons, and there is ministry of the fathers (no gender) and to the fathers.  The House that builds a dwelling place for God’s habitation is made up of both.  Wisdom knows not to tear down her own house with her own hands.   


Wisdom is the greatest harvest to those who sow in spirit and in truth in the fear of the Lord.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of the knowledge of God and from knowledge, wisdom is born.  We don’t fully reap of the greater harvest until we see what the seed (of our word) is producing in the heavens.  The greatest test is not in achieving great heights, but how we steward what God has entrusted to us from great heights.  

Proverbs 9:1

Wisdom’s Invitation
9 Wisdom has built her house,
She has hewn out her seven pillars;

In this context, wisdom (chokmah) means being skilled in war and in administration.  It also means prudence in religious affairs.  

In the thirteenth verse, it says, “The woman of folly is boisterous,
She is naive and knows nothing.”  To be of folly means to be naïve.  It also means foolishness and stupidity.  

Proverbs 9: 13 The woman of folly is boisterous,
She is naive and knows nothing.
14 She sits at the doorway of her house,
On a seat by the high places of the city,
15 Calling to those who pass by,
Who are making their paths straight:
16 Whoever is naive, let him turn in here,
And to him who lacks understanding she says,
17 “Stolen water is sweet;
And bread eaten in secret is pleasant.”
18 But he does not know that the dead are there,
That her guests are in the depths of Sheol.

The underworld, or sheol, is a spiritual place of exile.  The Hebrew speaks of this as a place without the praise of God.    It’s also spoken of as the grave, hell or pit.  The spirit of prophecy, which is the testimony of Jesus, will resonate a clear sound, or a voice of praise that witnesses of the life that is born from above.   Praise that leads to worship of God embodies glory and honor that is meant for Christ and him alone.  Praise that resonates the sound of heaven encompasses us roundabout with a hedge of protection that witnesses of covenant revealed through Jesus.

Exponential Increase

These are the days when the wise and the prudent will be multiplied in their understanding of God and His Kingdom.  These are also the days where gross darkness will cover the earth where there is no light.  In Matthew 8:12, Jesus said, “the sons of the Kingdom will be cast into outer darkness in that place and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”  Here, darkness is spoken of as blindness and means to be ignorant in respect to divine things.   

The greatest snare of the thirty fold dimension is to believe that we are wise in and of ourselves and be found to be a stumbling stone to God’s people.   Satan fell from great heights when, in his heart, he lifted himself above God and His divine order.  

Our equipping ,in the relationship that heaven has with earth, leads us to experience the blessing of multiplication through our stewardship.  Our stewardship of the Kingdom of God bears witness of our relationship with God.  In these times, Gatekeepers are purposed to make the “high places” known.  Throughout scripture, we see the evidence of how the high places that oppose God have been built.  Where man has lifted his natural soul life above the spiritual knowledge of God, high places become formed in spiritual adultery.   The soul of man can be likened to the woman of folly spoken of in Proverbs 9:13.  True worshipers lift their voice of praise to exalt Christ.   

Improper building ascends one into the heavens through pride.  The foundations of the Apostles and Prophets undergirds the faith of the people and multiplies the knowledge of God’s Kingdom on earth.  What is built on right foundations ascends through administration and stewardship of the Kingdom of God.  

1 Corinthians 12:28

28 And God has appointed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Recognizing the Times of Spiritual Shifts

Jesus Walks on the Water

Mark 6: 45 - Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side to Bethsaida, while He Himself was sending the crowd away. 46 After bidding them farewell, He left for the mountain to pray.

47 When it was evening, the boat was in the middle of the sea, and He was alone on the land. 48 Seeing them straining at the oars, for the wind was against them, at about the fourth watch of the night He *came to them, walking on the sea; and He intended to pass by them. 49 But when they saw Him walking on the sea, they supposed that it was a ghost, and cried out; 50 for they all saw Him and were terrified. But immediately He spoke with them and *said to them, “Take courage; it is I, do not be afraid.” 51 Then He got into the boat with them, and the wind stopped; and they were utterly astonished, 52 for they had not gained any insight from the incident of the loaves, but their heart was hardened.

This passage demonstrates one of the most profound moments when Jesus purposed that the hidden things of the Spirit would manifest to mark the natural times in relationship to Kairos, appointed times.  When God redeems a work intended to be a witness of Christ  manifest in the earth, he marks the times, both natural and spiritual.  Once darkness is divided, the choices that we make towards the Kingdom brings renewal to our inner man.  Our discernment increases and our mind is renewed as to how to walk in the light of day even where circumstances bring storms.  

Where the heart has become hardened, our eyes grow dim and are even blinded to what would otherwise be seen with eyes of the Spirit.  2 Corinthians says,  “For which cause we faint not, but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.  

In Hebrew times, the night was divided into four parts in which they posted watches..  Sharpening our spiritual discernment is achieved much the same way.  We don’t rely on human understanding where emotions would otherwise govern the choices that we make, especially in spiritual storms.  Rather, we learn to build our lives on the knowledge we have of God and His Kingdom.   

The manifestation of prophetic times requires intervention through willful, prophetic acts.  Until the soul of man can identify with God in challenging circumstances, we lack understanding in how to divide soul from spirit.  Knowledge of the spirit realm through the prophetic dimension equips us with the means of dividing soul life from spirit life.  Spirit life, which is born of God, then has the capacity to divide night from day to apprehend the times of Christ.  The times of Christ lead us to manifest the works of Christ.  The works that are born out of our relationship with the Spirit bring light as to how to govern our lives in relationship to God’s Kingdom through Christ.  

In Mark 6:45, the disciples were all in the “same boat”.  We often find this to be true where God is moving corporately to reveal the hardening of man’s heart, as well as how to build through community.  Community reveals the heart through relational habits, both good and bad.  There is no way to become built upon the foundations of the Apostles and Prophets apart from the knowledge of how to build our lives and community by the Spirit.   Building our lives on the substance of Christ requires intimate knowledge of him through the gifts that he gave to man.   When Jesus walked on the water, he walked on the substance of what he had built his life and ministry on in relationship to the Father and His Kingdom.  

Eph. 4:  11 And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; 13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.

As we grow in discernment of how to redeem the times, the Ministry of Reconciliation and Restoration become the greater works that are multiplied from that of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher.  These are the greater works that we become joined to in how Christ is manifest in the earth.  

Kingdom blessings,

Cindy Allen.   

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Healing Genetically Modified Community

Genesis 6: 11 Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God, and the earth was filled with violence.12 God looked on the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth.

In the passages that follow, we hear God speaking against a generation that had become completely corrupt in every way.  However, the ninth verse addresses the generations of Noah in a very different manner.  The Word of God says that “Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his time; Noah walked with God“.  The Hebrew word for time in this context is dowr, which means period of time, generation, habitation, dwelling place.  

In respect to a fallen world that our church communities are established in, we can only go forward in the knowledge that we, as a church body, are presently operating in a mode of restoration.  Even as the ministry gifts have been restored to the church, the same ministries are now purposed to redeem the times.  Beginning with family and community values, this redemptive work of the Kingdom is purposed to restore us in to every area of life and relationship.   God is using the same ministry to raise a generation that will bear witness of his Son, Jesus, in the earth.  In regards to redeeming the times, by revelation, we apprehend the abundant life in the appointed times of Christ in respect to whatever value system the Holy Spirit is leading us to restore.   Truly, God could start over and recreate the world according to his original plan, but after the flood, he made a covenant with us saying that he would never again flood the earth in that manner.  Still, there are passages in the New Testament saying that the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.  (Matt. 24:37) 

In reference to the Kairos, appointed times of Christ, Ephesians 5:15 says,  15 Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, 16 making the most of your time, because the days are evil.  Here, the Greek for time is Kairos, which means:  due measure, an opportune or seasonable time.  

We know according to scripture and by experience, that God multiplies ministry through a generational order to reveal the Kingdom through.  Once the gifts can be reproduced through a relational paradigm within a church body, the same gifts will reproduce ministry in respect to God’s original order and creative design.  We also know that God leads us to restore ancient landmarks for the purpose of restoring the generations from their fallen state. Such ministry follows suit with those who assemble themselves for this purpose.  Assemblies of Elders who are graced to open the heavens must also be able to build the boat/team that will float once it begins to rain.  Rain always falls upon the areas of community and land that are  in need of healing.     

The King and Priest ministry can only be formed through administrations that are born out of assemblies of mature Elders and Five Fold ministry leaders.  One bears witness of the other.  The earth groans even as the world waits in anticipation of the manifestation of the sons of God.  I pray that we would be found faithful, alert, and discerning of the times that God would manifest himself to us through concerning the coming of God's Kingdom.  

Kingdom blessings,

Cindy Allen

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Times of Revealing

Many years ago, I received a visitation from the Lord that brought about strong manifestations of the spirit and demonstration of ministry in relationship to the spirit realm.  This sudden knowledge of the spirit realm in relationship to my natural life caused me to become engaged with the Kingdom in respect to lifestyle well beyond the knowledge that I had of God and His Kingdom at that time.  As a new Christian with a prophetic gift, I quickly found that the fruit the gifts produce within a controlled environment within a church body function very differently when the same gift is appropriated to lifestyle and Kingdom living.  From then to now, the term “marketplace” serves to better express the journey that the global church is about to embark upon.    

While we primarily associate the marketplace to the workplace, the Greek word, agora, describes the marketplace (or streets) as “any assembly, especially of the people.”  

Matthew 11:16

16 “But to what shall I compare this generation? It is like children sitting in the market places, who call out to the other children,

Regarding these places of assembly, I was given prophetic visions that revealed areas of community that people were assembled through.  In one vision, I saw people who were assembled on the coastline of a certain region.  Some appeared to be worried or anxious as they looked out over the sea.  I sensed that these were expecting the arrival of a ship to carry them to a new destination. In the same vision, others appeared to be without concern or discernment of their need for mutual relationship in the coming times of visitation.   

Koinonea fellowSHIP serves to impart an accurate interpretation of God’s purposes in relationship to the times that he is building us through.  The Greek word, Koinonea is used to define fellowship.  Koinonea also serves to identify our association and relationship with certain things pertaining to God’s Kingdom.   Prophetic times, or Kairos times, serve to mark the appointed time where God will manifest himself to us through needed provision.  Provision can express relationship in a number of ways.  It can be the relationship needed  to bring a mutual witness of Christ which is purposed to send us from faith to faith and from glory to glory.  Provision can also be an arrangement of circumstances that God uses to demonstrate the order and administration of his Kingdom.  Provision can be fulfilled through monetary and other natural needs.     

Other visions of the same times revealed where various groups of people were assembled in relationship to their own journey of faith.  While it would appear that each individual was walking alone through personal faith and sometimes personal trials, the marketplaces revealed an assembly with those who were likeminded.  Community built through likeminded Kingdom people serve to powerfully demonstrate Christ in the earth.  Where community is built on the same spiritual plane, all who co-labor together in the spirit of Christ have the capacity within themselves to open the heavens.  Open heavens serve to impart the corporate vision needed to lead those who are assembled together.  Discernment of these times bring understanding and wisdom as to how we identify with those whom we find ourselves gathered with to reveal the “next leg“ of our journey.  

True Foundations

Where the gifts serve to build community within these spiritual marketplaces, ministry functions to reveal the substance and spiritual structure, as well as the foundation of all relationship.  These are the times of mobilization that the global church is soon to embark upon.  For this reason, it is very needful to be able to discern times of transition where people are being “sent” or mobilized.  A word search in the New Testament for “sent” pulls up the Greek word, apostolos, which means Apostle.  Apostles are delegates, and messengers.  They are defined as those sent forth with orders.  Apostles build according to the blueprints revealed to them through Christ.  

In regards to language, verbs express action, state, or relationship between two things for the purpose of showing agreement with their subject or object.  With the noun being the subject of what verbs express, nouns relate to a person, place or thing. 

In like manner, the gifts function to reveal their expression of Christ to the Church.  The same gifts expressed in their verb form (through sons) reveal an entirely different administration of ministry once they are set into motion.

God is calling us from DEEP to DEEP!

With Apostles and Prophets being the foundations of the Church, the building up of these foundations in apostolic and prophetic bodies will serve to bring the mutual witness needed in our members.  God is calling us from DEEP to DEEP.  This building up of the body in relationship to the marketplaces described in Matthew 11:16 is purposed to bring to light the hidden works of ministry.  These works have largely remained unseen up to this time.  

Matthew 18:20 says that where two or three are gathered in my name, there I AM in their midst.  Oftentimes, natural community is built upon outward similarities and associations.  As relationship deepens to propel us further into the Kingdom, we find that Christ often brings division to reveal diversity and multiplicity.  In these times, the presence of God’s Kingdom can manifest to separate light from darkness.  Demonstration of ministry within the Light of God’s Kingdom serves to unearth the things that were previously hidden and make known what was previously undisclosed.

Matthew 11:16

16 “But to what shall I compare this generation? It is like children (paidion) sitting in the market places, who call out to the other children (heteros),

Entering the fellowship needed to demonstrate prophetic times through a corporate body serves to further reveal God’s purposes and order of building.  In Matt 11:16, the first usage of “children” makes reference to infants.  The second usage of “children” refers to quality; or another kind (not of the same nature, form, class or kind).  The Greek also expresses this as the “next day”.   

We understand the Third Day of Christ to be that which expresses his resurrection life.  In the times where a body is in transition, extending the Kingdom to joints and members who have been mobilized serves to manifest the Third Day of Christ.  This witness of Christ is especially needed in the unseen marketplaces where people are often assembled through a corporate witness.  This corporate witness can offer the mutual witness where community can be further developed.  The greater works of Christ are often multiplied through community to more fully demonstrate the Kingdom of God. 

The “next day“ often serves to bring us into relationship with the part needed to bring the presence of synergy that will later manifest the Lord‘s glory.   May our eyes be opened and our discernment increased to see the works of Christ multiplied and God’s glory manifest through his works.  

Kingdom blessings,

Cindy Allen 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Word About the Dove Company and Brown Eagle, by Paul Keith Davis, Pastor Steven Shelly, and Jason Hopper

Note from Cindy Allen:  

Regarding the Dove Company that Paul Keith Davis speaks about in the word below, I have walked through an extended season that was purposed to reveal how the Holy Spirit would move in relationship with this Dove Company.  These times were also purposed to reveal how the Holy Spirit would move in God’s people and how he would demonstrate the ministries of Christ through team relationships and administrations.  My first experience in this revealed how strong these ministries would operate through apostolic team, or a functioning ecclesia.   As soon as we entered into these times, I had the sense that in one dimension, I was planted and established as immovable, while being launched and sent in another dimension.  I later understood that the marriage of apostolic and prophetic ministry leads us to experience the quickening spirit of the Lord.  Paul Keith Davis also mentions these attributes which are coming to the Body of Christ.  Pastor Shelley’s  word below also bears witness of these times.  ( Pastor Shelley:  “I remember going very deep into the realm of the Spirit. My body was stationary, but my spirit was moving forward on a journey toward something beautiful.”  {From the word below} )

As the Body increases in it’s discernment of Christ and the function of his manifold ministries, the Holy Spirit moves to keep balance through the symmetry of ministries that are being manifest.  The father and son order of ministry, as well as Apostle and Prophet, and King and Priest ministry all function through the symmetry of balance.  This balance is especially needed where community is being greatly increased through administrations.  The presence of apostolic ministry keeps us established and stationary, while the prophetic releases us through vision from faith to faith.  The Holy Spirit causes these ministries to become very illuminated through the Dove Company to enable people to build their lives on their foundations.  

Where ministry becomes unbalanced, people get into extremes and become unyielded to the part that they should be co-laboring with.  Discerning the functioning ministries that are in operation is a great part of manifesting Christ in the earth through two or more witnesses.  In the years that I’ve trained for these times, I’ve found that some of the greatest challenges lie in keeping people focused on Christ as they become engaged in ministry through “the Secret Place” of personal worship of the Father in relationship to their lifestyle.   We endure many hardships and personal storms that cause us to be challenged in keeping our focus off of our circumstances and onto Christ. 

God has led my own ministry to cultivate administrations that demonstrate the ministries of Christ in relationship to personal areas of life, family and community.  Paul Keith Davis also speaks of an administration. God uses administrations to reveal the operation of the ministries through larger spheres of community and influence.     

Before I entered into the times where the Dove Company was revealed, I frequently saw the Golden Eagle, or the Brown Eagle that Paul Keith Davis speaks of.  The appearance of this Eagle often led me in how to rise above difficult circumstances.  The Golden Eagle always brought a tangible experience in the Lord’s presence and His ascension.  This part of the coming move of the Holy Spirit will prove to be crucial in the coming season.  The Brown Eagle, or Golden Eagle,  brought some of the most supernatural experiences that I’ve ever known in the Lord.  God is faithful to show up on behalf of his people.   

There is much ministry ahead where administrations will be released to demonstrate Zion in the heart of our cities and communities.  Enjoy these very timely words below for Paul Keith Davis, Pastor Steven Shelley and Jason Hooper.  

Kind regards,  

Cindy Allen

The Dove Company
Paul Keith Davis

During Atonement 2012 I was given a vivid dream in which I revisited three prophetic encounters that occurred in the mid-90s. One of them involved a vision that I was given of a Brown Eagle beautifully gliding across a body of water. Following the Brown Eagle I saw a White Dove and then behind him a regal White Eagle.

I intuitively knew in this experience that the Brown Eagle represented a profound prophetic message that was given in the prior generation that is essential in the preparation of a body of people to function as a "Dove Company." This body of people will be uniquely prepared and qualified to function as friends of the Bridegroom to prepare the Bride of Christ (White Eagle) without spot or wrinkle.

Our ministry has been dedicated to recapturing the revelatory messages of the Voice of Healing/Latter Rain Revival and incorporating them in everything we say and do along with the fresh understanding of those messages given in this hour. The Dove Company will be endowed with not only a 21st-century apostolic mandate but also the Spirit and Power of Elijah to help turn the hearts of this young generation back to the faith of our first century Apostolic Fathers in the order of Paul and John.

Furthermore, I once again saw that the Brown Eagle ministry or, the prophetic messages of the prior generation, has been opposed by two diabolical spirits attempting to hinder this generation from embracing that truth. One was criticism and the other fanaticism.

I saw these two spirits functioning like book ends coming from two diametrically opposing directions yet with the same determination to squelch the prophetic release of God's Kingdom and hinder the harvest. The first was a dark wave of fanaticism that will sweep behind the Kingdom truths that were revealed with the expectation of pressing them beyond biblical parameters and proper balance.

The Fear of Fanaticism

Fanaticism is simply defined as "wildly excessive or irrational devotion, dedication, our enthusiasm; an extreme zeal or enthusiasm as in religion or politics." Unfortunately, Church history is filled with more instances of spiritual fanaticism than we could possibly enumerate and this has been especially true surrounding the ministry of William Branham. 

Every revival in modern times had its fanatical element. Clearly, the prophetic movement has had its fair share of hype and fanaticism that has effectually driven many away from this vitally important aspect of our heritage. Even so, we must embrace the admonition of 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21 saying:

Do not quench the Spirit; do not despise prophetic utterances. But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good;

The diabolical intent of this spirit is to drive things beyond biblical balance and sway people away from the core truth because of the fanatical element that the more grounded Christians desire to distance themselves from.

Of course, fanaticism must be defined within a certain context. I remember as a young college student in the late 70’s, that word got back to my father that I was born again and participating in an on-campus Presbyterian Fellowship. Naturally, the Presbyterian movement is not known for excessive spiritual manifestations yet my unsaved father called me into his office at that time and expressed his concern that I had become, to use his exact phrase, “a religious fanatic." 

This perception primarily stemmed from the fact that I was very zealous about the salvation I had discovered and often prayed, read my Bible and attended Bible studies with other students. You can imagine his shock when I became a Holy Ghost “Book of Acts” preacher. Fortunately, he came around and accepted the Lord Jesus as his Redeemer shortly before his death in 2005.

The point is I do not believe that I would have genuinely fallen into the definition of a fanatic as I am seeing it today. The fanatical spirit will have a tendency to cause genuine Kingdom seekers to sway away from the truth in order to distance themselves from the fanatical element. That would be tragic!

Historical Observation

History records this fascinating observation concerning Martin Luther. Although Luther made glaring mistakes involving Israel and the Jewish people, it remains a historical fact that God used him to launch a great Reformation for God's people. Many historians marveled not at the fact that he was able to survive his direct assault against the religious organizational structure of the day that possessed great political power to eradicate its enemies, but that he was able to keep his head above all the fanaticism that followed his movement.

My experience revealed the tendency of many saints to turn away from vitally important truth because of various fanatical elements that have and will continue to attach themselves to that truth. We must be like the Bereans and study the Scriptures to see if these things be so. If indeed it is supported by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit then we must embrace the balanced truth in order to become what we are called to be, despite the fanatical element.

The Spirit of Criticism

The other spirit that I saw coming from the opposite direction was criticism. Criticism is defined as "the act or instance of making an unfavorable or severe judgment, comment, analysis or interpretation of one's theory, doctrine or life." From what I saw, this season will produce even more harsh critical religious opposition to Kingdom truth with the hope of deterring the emerging army. 

Like fanaticism, history is littered with countless examples of unwavering criticism against spiritual outpourings and movements. This was clearly seen in the Azusa Street Revival, the Voice of Healing Revival in the ministries of A. A. Allen, William Branham and others. Even the Charismatic Renewal has seen its share of harsh criticism. 

In my experience, I was personally told that the one that I must be the most cautious of is fanaticism, although I am to also be aware of the critical spirit. As an individual, I would be more prone to distance myself from the fanatical element than to give in to criticism. Even so, we must develop fortitude like the early apostles to forge this new day and present to God's people revelatory truth that has been reserved for our day.

We are literally living in the day foreseen by Jeremiah when he said:

Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).  –Jeremiah 33:3 AMP

Therefore, it should be no surprise to anyone that much of this truth extends beyond traditional belief structures and into the realm of revelation. The Word of God is to be revealed in this hour on a scale never before seen in Church history. 

That is the prophetic directive of Daniel 12 and Revelations 10! It will expedite the emergence of God's people in great power and facilitate the harvest.  This prophetic promise will be realized despite spiritual opposition including fanaticism & criticism.

A Major Shift

I believe these revelations are indicating a shift in our emphasis beginning in the fall of 2012 into a more aggressive and offensive posture that will not merely hold ground but begin to noticeably take ground. An apostolic commissioning is soon to take place with many in the order of Paul’s in Acts 22:14-16:

The God of our fathers has appointed you to know His will and to see the Righteous One and to hear an utterance from His mouth. 'For you will be a witness for Him to all men of what you have seen and heard. 'Now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name

This fourfold apostolic mandate is experiential in nature. He was commissioned;

I. To Know His Will.
II. To See the Righteous One.
III. To Here Utterances from His Mouth
IV. To be a Witness or Testifier of What is Seen and Heard.

Then I heard the question asked; Why do you delay? We are entering a season of no more delay. I believe this will be true for the remnant that has been equipped, refined and prepared for this mandate.

21st-century Messengers of the Kingdom will be commissioned and set forth with profound revelation of the Father's heart. They will be brightly illuminated lights in the midst of great darkness. The Scriptures tell us that His Messengers will turn many back from iniquity by preserving knowledge and causing mankind to seek instruction from their mouths. (Malachi 2:6-7)

There will be notable acceleration in the emergence of present-day apostolic ministry. Much of this will be done with team ministry as opposed to "lone rangers." Those who participate in this fresh anointing will have experienced God's threshing floor having all mixture and corruption sifted from their soul.

Note from Paul Keith: Pastor Steven and Stacy Shelley have become dear friends of ours beginning in 2006. One of the things that drew us together was the realization that we had many of the same revelations and experiences long before we knew one another. This revelation concerning the Eagle and the Dove is one such message. It was extraordinary to discover how similar our revelations were once we met and began to discuss them. I believe you will thoroughly enjoy Steve's experience and its present-day application.

The Eagles and the Dove
Pastor Steven L. Shelley

Exodus_19:4 …and how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself.

I have found myself lately revisiting a Trance vision that I had some years ago. Perhaps we are moving into the season where it will have significance and application among us. A narrative of this vision follows:

I remember going very deep into the realm of the Spirit. My body was stationary, but my spirit was moving forward on a journey toward something beautiful. The first thing I saw was a crystal clear river flowing from a huge throne in the distance. The throne was so large it appeared to have many levels.

The river was very deep and flowing swiftly. I knew somehow that, in these waters, there was deliverance, freedom, and full provision for all that would be needed by the bride in the last days. There was a tangible anointing and glory released by the swirling of the water.  

An Eagle Brings a Message

I then saw a golden brown eagle flying in from the west and I knew he was coming with a message. An eagle often types the prophet or prophetic seer anointing. I discerned that this eagle was bringing a word of revelation for the bride. As I watched, a white dove flying in over the churning waters joined the eagle. The little dove flew faster and faster, following the eagle. 

A voice then spoke and said, “First comes the prophet with a hat and then the little dove following.” I recognized this prophetic riddle. It had been spoken to me in prior visions. The phrase, “prophet with a hat” had been used to identify William Branham. Brother Branham was often seen and photographed in a hat, as was the custom of a gentleman in his generation. The voice continued to explain that the dove represented a true and genuine baptism of the Holy Ghost.

The Bride Wades out into Deeper Revelation

Looking down again, I saw a beautiful bride dressed in fine linen. She stepped into the river but was quickly moving away from the safety of the shoreline into deeper water. I understood that the deep waters beckoning her represented the profound revelations and mysteries that the bride of Christ had been called to walk in. His Word was being revealed to her in more intimate ways as the waters coursed over her.  

As I looked up again I saw the eagle beginning to circle a large blue ball. I could see the shapes of the continents and realized that I was seeing the earth. As the eagle continued to circle the globe, the little white dove was following closely behind.

Suddenly there appeared another bird, also white in color but much larger than the dove. It had the same body structure as the eagle but his feathers were pure white. Loudly I exclaimed, “It’s a white eagle.”

The Angel of the Lord Appears

Then an angel stepped into view dressed in white linen. I discerned that he was not an ordinary angel but carried a high level of authority.

I need to explain a bit about the nature of these trance visions. I am sometimes able to communicate with those in the room while not breaking free from the spiritual realm. At this point in the trance a friend asked me who this angel was. I answered him saying, “He’s the angel of the Lord.”

The angel then asked me if I was familiar with this white eagle. I remembered hearing something about him but had no real understanding of what he represented. The angel explained that it was more important for now that I see and hear him than understand him.

The angel then began to teach me with the patience and simplicity one would use in interacting with a small child, carefully repeating the details of what I had seen thus far. He reminded me that first the eagle came leading the dove, a type of the prophet leading the way for the true infilling of the Holy Spirit. 

The Earnest Gives Way to Fullness

Ephesians 1:13-14  In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise,  (14)  Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

He said that the advent of the prophet had already taken place. As to the true infilling, I knew in my spirit he was describing more than just another Pentecostal blessing, feeling, or sensation. This baptism would not produce another man-made denomination or religious system, but a genuine change in the life of the believer. He added, “This time will be much different.”

Dove Leads the Eagle

The angel of the Lord explained that the true baptism of the Holy Spirit would prepare the way for the white eagle. He said the white eagle represented a revelation of the fullness of Jesus Christ, not just a greater knowledge of Him but an infilling and indwelling of the very character and virtues of Jesus. 

This revelation would produce the living Word made flesh again, not just in one man as in the days of the Lord Jesus Christ but in a whole company of believers. This message would act as a plumb line, a measuring device to gauge the uprightness of all Words given to the end time bride of Jesus Christ. 

I spoke out to those in the room, “The world has never seen what it will see in the bride. Fools will mock and reject it, some religious leaders will scorn it, but His true bride will receive it with gladness.”

A New Thing- The Bride’s Revival

I believe these words were referring to the Lord doing a new thing that will not follow historical revival patterns but will have a distinct model and administration. It will be an expansion of the ministry model of the Lord Jesus Christ as seen in the Gospels. It will be authority and power functioning and flowing in a corporate body of believers especially chosen for this purpose, even before the foundation of the world.  

I then heard him say something odd, “Things are stuck on Mount Zion. The saints are stuck; they have climbed as far as they can and it seems they cannot move any higher into the virtues and attributes of Jesus.” He added that I should not give in to worry.

Mount Zion- the Backside of the Throne

Suddenly before me was this beautiful pyramid shaped Mount Zion. It was the third time I had seen this massive mountain in vision. As I looked closer I could see the saints climbing among its cliffs, scattered along the sides of the mountain. Some had reached higher places than others, but all were moving slowly toward the top. I was getting a closer look than I ever had before and now I could see the roughness of the slopes and the rocky, jagged terrain. Small rocks tumbled off the ledges, loosened by the climbers. There were also large, unstable boulders that could become dislodged and crush the climbers in their paths. 

Some had climbed to places where they were unable to navigate obstacles up ahead. Some had to stop because there was no place to get a foothold or even dig in with their hands and pull themselves higher. I was blessed to see their progress but started feeling sad that more and more were becoming stalled with no way around the hindrances. It appeared that most of them would be forced to retreat and re-navigate their ascent. 

The angel of the Lord startled my sad contemplation when he again reminded me, “Don’t worry.”

The Dove Releases New Strength to Climb

I saw a flash of movement overhead. It was the little white dove circling the top of the mountain. A fresh anointing began showering down and I knew it was being released by the presence of the dove.

The angel then reminded me of a day when Brother Branham was climbing in Sabino Canyon and he had stopped to rest. I saw this scene unfold just as Brother Branham had described it in a sermon. He was leaning against the side of a cliff, using his shirt to wipe the sweat from his face and neck.

He then took his hat off and reverently held it against his chest as though sensing God’s presence. Suddenly I saw clearly the word “eagle” embedded in the stone face in white quartz letters. Brother Branham bowed his head as though receiving a divine message. I heard him say, “I have taken you as far as I can.”

I heard the saints begin to shout and rejoice as the fresh anointing fell on them like a blanket. They started shouting to those below, “We can make it, keep on climbing!” Someone replied, “How do you know? “Look up!”

Everyone could see the dove still circling the mountain and in the distance something else was approaching. We watched as it drew closer.
Someone shouted, “It’s the white eagle!”

I was deeply concerned about the saints standing at the bottom of the mountain. I felt that the lateness of the hour would make it impossible for them to make it to the top.

I asked aloud, “How will they ever make it to the top before the headstone comes to cap the pyramid.”

I was familiar that in 1962, William Branham preached a sermon from 2 Peter chapter 1, entitled The Stature of a Perfect Man. He used a pyramid chart to show how attributes listed in these verses bring us into the fullness of the stature of Jesus Christ. He also mentioned that one of the pyramids never received its capstone. 

When the chart was drawn he left a gap between the top of the pyramid and the capstone. In the gap he wrote, “The Holy Ghost” and on the capstone he wrote, “Perfect Love”. From the bottom they were listed, “Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, Temperance, Patience, Godliness and Brotherly Kindness.”

Carried to the Top on the Wings of the Eagle

Suddenly the white eagle came swooping down low on the side of the mountain and then up near the top again. He drew in close, nudging the saints, encouraging them to climb higher and not to give up. 

I heard the eagle scream out with a natural call and then suddenly he began to cry out in a powerful voice, “When you have climbed as high as you can, I will bear you on My wings to the top of Zion. My bride will make it to the top; I will give her My virtues, I’ll carry her, the rest of the way. Even as I bore Israel out of Egypt on My wings, so will I carry you to the top of Mt. Zion.”

I joined the other saints in screaming; “Great white eagle, come and take us on your wings.”

I knew in my spirit that this would in no way constitute a short cut; we would not be able to by-pass any of the lessons, preparations or impartations. This bearing up would only happen in the hour when we could not climb any higher on our own. It also spoke of an end to all of our human striving to be qualified as overcomers, and a new place where we would finally emerge totally dependent on the Lord Jesus.

I pray that we are now entering into the season of revelation that will lift us to the top of Mount Zion, and cause us to be seated with our beloved Bridegroom in His throne.


A New Season of “Increase” 
By Jason Hooper

We have crossed over into a new season in God. It is a season that carries with it promises fulfilled, promotions granted and “increase” by the Spirit of God. 

The word right now is “increase”. For the past two weeks I have continued to see the word “increase” everywhere I look. The Lord is highlighting this time as a season of “increase” and with this I have the feeling that our present is about to catch up with what has been prophesied.

He will bless those who fear the Lord, both small and great. May the Lord give you increase more and more, you and your children (Psalm 115:13-14).

The blessings and increase of God that are being granted to us in this season will not be awarded based on our personal accomplishments. Rather, the blessing and increase of the Lord will rest upon those who possess a loyalty of heart and the knowledge of God that can only be found in the Fear of the Lord. 

For I delight in loyalty rather than sacrifice, and in the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings (Hosea 6:6 NASB).

It is in the inclining of our ear to wisdom and the applying of our heart to understanding that we will begin to understand the fear of the Lord and in that place of understanding find the knowledge of God. It is there that we are given access to the treasuries of wisdom and knowledge He has stored up for the upright (see Proverbs 2:1-11). 

Behold, the Lord’s eye is upon those who fear Him [who revere and worship Him with awe], who wait for Him and hope in His mercy and loving-kindness (Psalm 33:18 AMP). 

It is when we find ourselves in this place of sincere devotion that the hidden mysteries and secrets of the Lord, as they are revealed to us, find a home within our hearts (see Deuteronomy 29:29). With this heavenly counsel, we are also granted covenantal blessing as the Lord shows Himself strong on our behalf in response to a heart that is wholly His (see 2 Chronicles 16:9).

The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant (Psalm 25:14).

“Aaron’s Rod Has Budded”

On September 17th, 2012, the first day of Rosh Hashanah, I was awakened by the Voice of the Lord at 6:39am, saying, “Aaron’s Rod has budded.” Often the timing of when the Lord speaks in this fashion carries with it a revelation that accompanies the message. 

This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day (John 6:39).

The fact that “Aaron’s Rod has budded” has a number of applications. The timing of this revelation however speaks to the ministry of restoration and resurrection that it contains. 

Restoration & Resurrection 

Many have emerged from what could be considered a challenging season marked by an outward appearance of loss. And although there has been tangible loss, I can tell you this; it is the will of the Father that of all He has given to you nothing has been lost that will not be fully restored and completely resurrected in these coming days. 

Now, if on the other hand the Lord has allowed a “material downsizing” that has simplified your life in preparation for this coming season-be thankful. It is this preemptive downsizing that will afford you the freedom to move with the cloud when He says move.  

Korah’s Rebellion & Aaron’s Intercession

Before we look at the prophetic significance and application of Aaron’s Rod budding, let’s take a quick look at the timing of this miraculous event. Directly preceding this divine vindication we see two uprisings against God’s appointed leadership represented in Moses and Aaron.

The First uprising we see in the person of Korah and the 250 men of renown that had taken on his offense with Moses. Korah had been able to whisper in the ears these men creating an offense while sowing tares of rebellion that ultimately cost these men their lives.

Up until now, complaining and murmuring had only delayed their entering into their appointed land of promise. Now, however, their grumbling and questioning of God’s choice of leadership caused them to be literally swallowed up in their offense. 

You would think that after this, the children of Israel would know better than to speak against God’s choice of leadership, but the very next day we are told that the entire congregation of the children of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron blaming them for the deaths of Korah and his cohorts.

In response to their criticisms, the Lord purposed to consume the children of Israel in a moment. But Moses and Aaron recognized that even if they people rejected them Aaron had been entrusted with the ministry of priest and had a responsibility to make atonement for their sins. 

As they continued to curse Aaron, I can imagine him literally turning his cheek to their verbal blows, as he took his priestly censer, the fire and the incense and ran into the midst of the assembly standing between the dead and the living and stopped the plague. Although, 14,700 Israelites died in the plague the Lord honored Aaron and received the offering of incense as a steadfast confirmation of ministry. Interestingly enough, it was the illegal offering of incense from a place of counterfeit spiritual authority that was the downfall of Korah and his men the day before. 

Although Scripture does not specifically make mention of it, we have to recognize the obvious leadership lesson here. Any leader can lead when they are celebrated, some can even lead when they are tolerated, but the willingness to lay down your life in intercession for the very people who praise you one day and want to crucify you the next? That is Christlike leadership.

The Budding of Aaron’s Rod

We pick up the story in Numbers 17 with the Lord telling Moses to gather from the children of Israel rods from each father’s house, twelve rods with the names of each leader written on their respective rod (see Numbers 17:2). Although the Levites were not numbered with the other tribes, the Lord told Moses to take the rod of Levi and write Aaron’s name on it (see verse 3). 

The Lord then told Moses to place the rods in the tabernacle of meeting before the Testimony, where Moses would meet with the Lord (see verse 4). Once there, He would cause the rod of the man He chose to blossom as a sign to the people. 

And it shall be that the rod of the man whom I choose will blossom (Numbers 17:5).

So Moses gathered the rods and placed them before the Lord in the tabernacle of witness. Now it came to pass on the next day that Moses went into the tabernacle of witness, and behold, the rod of Aaron, of the house of Levi, had sprouted and put forth buds, had produced blossoms and yielded ripe almonds Numbers 17:8).

Let’s look at some of the prophetic significance found in the budding of Aaron’s rod and its application to your own life. 

1. Spiritual Awakening & Commissioning

The Almond Tree is referred to as the Awakening Tree. Rosh Hashanah (the day I was told that Aaron’s Rod has budded) is also known as the Day of the Awakening Blast. We are entering into a season of Awakening.
The Almond Tree is actually the first tree to bloom in terms of the Gregorian calendar. It blooms January 16th and produces ripe almonds within ten weeks time. In terms of Awakening, I find it very interesting that the announcement that Aaron’s Rod, an almond branch, had budded on Rosh Hashanah-the first day of the Jewish New Year. 

The budding of Aaron’s rod followed a process of consecration for both he and his sons. It was a process where he was publicly stripped, washed, clothed and anointed for priestly service (see Leviticus 8). He had walked through a season of consecration and was now being commissioned to operate on a new and higher level.

2. Supernatural Fruitfulness

The rod had been situated in a dark and isolated place, but it had been laid to rest in the presence. In this place of hiddeness, it not only flowered but became fruitful by supernatural means and in a supernatural way producing ripe almonds (considered among the best and highest fruit- see Genesis 43:11)

3. Acceleration & Affirmation

The full cycle of the almond tree had transpired overnight. What would typically take ten weeks was accomplished in one night’s time.

Aaron’s rod had not only blossomed as the Lord said it would, but it was also producing ripe almonds. Aaron’s rod had gone beyond the requirements of the test, a strong affirmation of his authority and a sign to the people. Often times a rod or staff is prophetically understood to represent authority. 

Aaron did not have to do anything or tell anyone that his rod had budded. His authority and the acceleration of his process were evident to all. 

The Lord took up his case and affirmed his life and ministry with power. His authority and priesthood were confirmed publicly after a time of being scrutinized, questioned and at times doubted by those he was called to lead. 

4. llumination, Enlightenment & Fresh Anointing

The bowls of the Golden Lampstand, the very containers that held the oil, were fashioned  in the likeness of almond blossoms (see Exodus 25:31-34 & 37:17-22). The Lord is creating and establishing containers of fresh oil and causing them to become carriers of the fire where His flame rests and remain in this new season as we seek to become living lampstands anointed with the Seven Spirits of God (see Isaiah 11:2).

5.  The Fulfillment of Prophetic Promises

We see this application in the life of Jeremiah as he is being commissioned as a prophet to the nations. The understanding here is found in the fact that the Lord actually used a Hebraic play on words to get his message through to Jeremiah. 

The word of the Lord came to me saying, “What do you see, Jeremiah?” And I said, “I see a rod of an almond tree (Hb #8247 shaqed).” Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am watching (Hb #8245 shaqad meaning “to be alert, awake, on the lookout, hastening to, watching”) over My word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:11-12 NASB).”

The pronunciation of the Hebrew word for almond was so phonically similar to the Hebrew word for “watching” or “hastening” that they could almost be used interchangeably although there meanings were much different. The Lord used this play on word in his communication with Jeremiah as He showed him an almond branch in a vision and then asked him what he saw, while using the similarity of the two Hebrew words to communicate that He was watching over His Word to perform it. 

The King James translation of verse 12 reads like this, “Then said the Lord unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.” There is a quickening, a hastening and acceleration of to bring to pass that which has been previously promised.

Some have felt a bit like Joseph in recent times. You were given magnificent prophetic promises, but the wilderness between the promise and the promise fulfilled looked like anything but that which we had been promised. 

He sent a man before them—Joseph—who was sold as a slave. They hurt his feet with fetters, he was laid in irons. Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him. The king sent and released him, the ruler of the people let him go free Psalm 105:17-20).

The Word of the Lord tested Joseph until someone with authority stepped up released him and the promise that he had carried for all those years. The King of Kings is alert and active, watching over His Word to perform it in your life (see Jeremiah 1:12 AMP).

Just about every prophetic person you can think of has been seeing and hearing portions of Isaiah 60 for this season. The applications are endless and the promises long-awaited. Although, much attention has been given to the first three to five verses of this chapter, I am putting the Lord in remembrance of the entire chapter with my faith and focus resting on the last nine verses of this passage: 

“I, the Lord, will hasten it in its time (Isaiah 60:22b).”

Deuteronomy 28: 12 tells us that our land has an appointed season of blessing.  The Lord will open to you His good treasure (storehouse) the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. 

Galatians 6:9 tells us that there is such a time as “due season” in which we will reap a harvest if we do not lose heart. We see in Isaiah 60 that each promise we have been given has “its time” of fulfillment. 

We have crossed over into a new season in God as we have stepped into what Paul called “due season” and “it’s time!”