Even as the move of the Spirit is specific to the part that each of our members are being equipped in, a global perspective helps us to identity the greater works and it’s many parts. Being synchronized with the works of Christ on a global scale prepares us in how to draw fellowship with works being raised for the good of the whole body. While we remain steadfast in the first foundations, it’s also needful to understand how to co-labor in new works that are purposed to build towards all reaching their full stature in Christ.
Eph 4: 11 And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; 13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.
The Local Church
Within a local administration, the gifts serve to build the House on the foundations of the Apostles and Prophets in respect to the Father to Son Paradigm. Those who are submitted to authority receive of the same. Once the oil that flows downward becomes multiplied outwardly beyond these parameters, we begin moving towards a more regional demonstration of ministry.
Regional Administrations
Through a regional administration of ministry, the body must be discerning of it's members for the purpose of empowering Christ in his body. Equal revelation of Christ is also needed to discern God's order in respect to creation for the purpose of building Kingdom community. From a regional perspective, we loose our respect of persons in exchange for respect of the boundaries needed to begin discerning generational plumb lines. These plumb lines serve to join us to the greater works of Christ where the momentum of the Kingdom begins building. Here, the Kingdom is extended through fellowship to empower Christ in His body. This is where we learn to make disciples in relationship to their own communities and individual spheres of grace and influence.
The greater works that we become engaged in serves to re-calibrate the gifts to function in the greater works. A regional administration will function to reconcile relational gaps that begin to appear through greater community. Our relational choices become motivated towards engaging in the greater works necessary to bring needed shifts in people. Spiritual shifts lead people to make Kingdom choices towards building their lives on the foundations needed to overcome their present circumstances.
From Discipleship to Sonship
Disciples who learn to govern their lives FROM the foundations of the Apostles and Prophets become sons. Where the ministry gifts becomes the vehicle (Priesthood) that mobilizes disciples towards mature sonship, we see God rising in the people.
A Global Perspective of Sonship
Unless our members are discerning of other members within their functioning sphere of grace (administration), we fail to give place for the whole work that the sons will appear through. For this purpose, the move of the Spirit that is presently upon us is for the purpose of establishing the global church body within an expression of the Kingdom that expands our present value systems.
The quickening spirit of Christ is the manifestation of God's glory in a corporate body that witnesses of Christ in the earth. This glory comes to those who recognize the times in order to apprehend the greater works. While the gifts have their form and function within a church body, THE Son reveals himself in many forms and expressions of ministry throughout the marketplaces within a global sphere.
The Fourth Phase of Building:
From Paradigm to Paradox
The fourth phase of building serves to establish us on foundations built for more global purposes. A paradigm is defined as a set of forms, all of which contain a particular element, especially the set of all inflected forms based on a single-stem or theme. A paradox is defined as a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd, but in reality expresses a possible truth.
Local church ministry, as well as regional administrations, are built upon a father and son paradigm where the anointing and ministry flows downward from one generation to the next. Beginning with the Apostles and the Prophets, a global administration shifts us into an expression of ministry that is revealed more fully through a paradox.
A regional expression of the father to son paradigm is purposed to demonstrate the ministry through a more corporate perspective. In our forward momentum, the measure of faith and grace given to one (single) generation builds a second (single) generation. Mobilization of both parts working together serves to reveal how the glory rests on one, only to lift and begin resting on the other. Soon, we have a body being carried by what appears to be "two feet walking".
In the ascension of Christ, we begin seeing these two generations begin to shift from paradigms to paradox(es). Two ministries, or administrations that contrast each other bring the balance needed to manifest a greater witness of Christ in the earth. The quickening spirit of Christ continues to be experienced through mutual relationship. While the oil continues to flow downward, mature expressions of Christ come forth through two or more (established) witnesses.
The first paradox that we begin seeing in these times will be expressed through that of the Apostles and Prophets.
Foundations of Mobility
What is built upon foundations of mobility will experience the sending power demonstrated by the Apostles. In order to be firmly established in the Kingdom through all that the Kingdom advances us through, we need to examine these foundations in how one brings contrast to another. Contrast brings understanding of how ministry functions through a paradox.
The Foundations of the Apostles
The foundations of the Apostles serve to establish us on faith that is firm and unmovable. While community is full of variables that are ever changing, apostolic foundations are constant and never change. Faith from these foundations keep us abased. Spiritual discernment is multiplied to those who go from faith to faith and from glory to glory in humility.
All that is built FROM apostolic foundations is reproduced through divine order through greater community. We find this to be true even through what appears to be outwardly changing. Our ability to discern the times largely rests on discerning the spirit of Christ that obediently abides within God's order. We speak of spiritual matters in the timing of the Holy Spirit. This is especially so where he is moving to establish people on these foundations.
The Foundations of the Prophets
While the foundations of the Apostles are immovable, the foundations of the Prophets serve to mobilize us. Here lies the paradox!
From faith to faith, the function of the ministries themselves must be discerned before we understand how to respond to God and his people. When the sons become sent, they will be sent in the continuation of a lineage through one or both of these generations. Before we can be relational to ministry that operates in respect to the generations, we must be discerning of how people are first established on these foundations. Vision allows us to see ministry from beginning to end so that we may accurately speak into the times with precision.
Ministry that is reproduced through prophetic times and/or prophetic acts or works, become solidified in the faith of the Apostles in the fullness of times. The greater works that are born from this leads to the Kingdom being established through divine order through greater community.
The Appearance of Zion
The marriage of apostolic and prophetic ministries lead to the appearance of Zion where the low places of community become built up.
Within Zion, the father and son paradigm graduates to the King and Priest order of ministry. Ministry to the Priesthood should relate through foundations that are purposed to mobilize sons. Community that is built upon these foundations will reproduce after the same.
In times of increase, we need to be more discerning of divine order than we are of form so that we can apprehend the greater works of Christ. Stability comes to community that builds upon the revelation and knowledge of Christ, especially in respect to creation and the nations.
The Reign of the Lord's Annointed
Psalm 2:6-11
11: “But as for Me, I have installed My King
Upon Zion, My holy mountain.”
7 “I will surely tell of the decree of the Lord:
He said to Me, ‘You are My Son,
Today I have begotten You.
8 ‘Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance,
And the very ends of the earth as Your possession.
9 ‘You shall break them with a rod of iron,
You shall shatter them like earthenware.’”
He said to Me, ‘You are My Son,
Today I have begotten You.
8 ‘Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance,
And the very ends of the earth as Your possession.
9 ‘You shall break them with a rod of iron,
You shall shatter them like earthenware.’”
10 Now therefore, O kings, show discernment;
Take warning, O judges of the earth.
11 Worship the Lord with reverence
Take warning, O judges of the earth.
11 Worship the Lord with reverence