
Monday, October 15, 2012

The Times of Revealing

Many years ago, I received a visitation from the Lord that brought about strong manifestations of the spirit and demonstration of ministry in relationship to the spirit realm.  This sudden knowledge of the spirit realm in relationship to my natural life caused me to become engaged with the Kingdom in respect to lifestyle well beyond the knowledge that I had of God and His Kingdom at that time.  As a new Christian with a prophetic gift, I quickly found that the fruit the gifts produce within a controlled environment within a church body function very differently when the same gift is appropriated to lifestyle and Kingdom living.  From then to now, the term “marketplace” serves to better express the journey that the global church is about to embark upon.    

While we primarily associate the marketplace to the workplace, the Greek word, agora, describes the marketplace (or streets) as “any assembly, especially of the people.”  

Matthew 11:16

16 “But to what shall I compare this generation? It is like children sitting in the market places, who call out to the other children,

Regarding these places of assembly, I was given prophetic visions that revealed areas of community that people were assembled through.  In one vision, I saw people who were assembled on the coastline of a certain region.  Some appeared to be worried or anxious as they looked out over the sea.  I sensed that these were expecting the arrival of a ship to carry them to a new destination. In the same vision, others appeared to be without concern or discernment of their need for mutual relationship in the coming times of visitation.   

Koinonea fellowSHIP serves to impart an accurate interpretation of God’s purposes in relationship to the times that he is building us through.  The Greek word, Koinonea is used to define fellowship.  Koinonea also serves to identify our association and relationship with certain things pertaining to God’s Kingdom.   Prophetic times, or Kairos times, serve to mark the appointed time where God will manifest himself to us through needed provision.  Provision can express relationship in a number of ways.  It can be the relationship needed  to bring a mutual witness of Christ which is purposed to send us from faith to faith and from glory to glory.  Provision can also be an arrangement of circumstances that God uses to demonstrate the order and administration of his Kingdom.  Provision can be fulfilled through monetary and other natural needs.     

Other visions of the same times revealed where various groups of people were assembled in relationship to their own journey of faith.  While it would appear that each individual was walking alone through personal faith and sometimes personal trials, the marketplaces revealed an assembly with those who were likeminded.  Community built through likeminded Kingdom people serve to powerfully demonstrate Christ in the earth.  Where community is built on the same spiritual plane, all who co-labor together in the spirit of Christ have the capacity within themselves to open the heavens.  Open heavens serve to impart the corporate vision needed to lead those who are assembled together.  Discernment of these times bring understanding and wisdom as to how we identify with those whom we find ourselves gathered with to reveal the “next leg“ of our journey.  

True Foundations

Where the gifts serve to build community within these spiritual marketplaces, ministry functions to reveal the substance and spiritual structure, as well as the foundation of all relationship.  These are the times of mobilization that the global church is soon to embark upon.  For this reason, it is very needful to be able to discern times of transition where people are being “sent” or mobilized.  A word search in the New Testament for “sent” pulls up the Greek word, apostolos, which means Apostle.  Apostles are delegates, and messengers.  They are defined as those sent forth with orders.  Apostles build according to the blueprints revealed to them through Christ.  

In regards to language, verbs express action, state, or relationship between two things for the purpose of showing agreement with their subject or object.  With the noun being the subject of what verbs express, nouns relate to a person, place or thing. 

In like manner, the gifts function to reveal their expression of Christ to the Church.  The same gifts expressed in their verb form (through sons) reveal an entirely different administration of ministry once they are set into motion.

God is calling us from DEEP to DEEP!

With Apostles and Prophets being the foundations of the Church, the building up of these foundations in apostolic and prophetic bodies will serve to bring the mutual witness needed in our members.  God is calling us from DEEP to DEEP.  This building up of the body in relationship to the marketplaces described in Matthew 11:16 is purposed to bring to light the hidden works of ministry.  These works have largely remained unseen up to this time.  

Matthew 18:20 says that where two or three are gathered in my name, there I AM in their midst.  Oftentimes, natural community is built upon outward similarities and associations.  As relationship deepens to propel us further into the Kingdom, we find that Christ often brings division to reveal diversity and multiplicity.  In these times, the presence of God’s Kingdom can manifest to separate light from darkness.  Demonstration of ministry within the Light of God’s Kingdom serves to unearth the things that were previously hidden and make known what was previously undisclosed.

Matthew 11:16

16 “But to what shall I compare this generation? It is like children (paidion) sitting in the market places, who call out to the other children (heteros),

Entering the fellowship needed to demonstrate prophetic times through a corporate body serves to further reveal God’s purposes and order of building.  In Matt 11:16, the first usage of “children” makes reference to infants.  The second usage of “children” refers to quality; or another kind (not of the same nature, form, class or kind).  The Greek also expresses this as the “next day”.   

We understand the Third Day of Christ to be that which expresses his resurrection life.  In the times where a body is in transition, extending the Kingdom to joints and members who have been mobilized serves to manifest the Third Day of Christ.  This witness of Christ is especially needed in the unseen marketplaces where people are often assembled through a corporate witness.  This corporate witness can offer the mutual witness where community can be further developed.  The greater works of Christ are often multiplied through community to more fully demonstrate the Kingdom of God. 

The “next day“ often serves to bring us into relationship with the part needed to bring the presence of synergy that will later manifest the Lord‘s glory.   May our eyes be opened and our discernment increased to see the works of Christ multiplied and God’s glory manifest through his works.  

Kingdom blessings,

Cindy Allen 

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