In the coming days, we should expect to begin seeing a release in the sons and daughters of God as they begin their ascent in their personal revelation of Jesus Christ. Our solitude of personal worship of God becomes greatly multiplied when we begin seeing the same seasons of God manifest in a company, or a Priesthood. The Lord of Hosts will begin manifesting Himself to the multitudes beyond what the Church has ever known in the past. In return, our commitment to embody the move of the Spirit through a Priesthood is purposed to birth greater administrations of ministry. (1 Corinthians 12:28) The quickening spirit of the Lord becomes manifest through the corporate ministry represented in Christ through a Priesthood.
In order to begin seeing this come to fruition, Watchman and Prophetic Intercessors are needed to help birth the sons into Christ as they begin their ascent. Our parameters are expanded to reveal Christ in order to give him place to be manifest on earth. God’s primary purpose in these times is that the Kingdom would come to the earth where His (corporate) Son is manifest through a body. There is complete restoration of all things in the glory of the Lord. This ascent represents the saints rising in their stature in Christ and is purposed to bring many sons into this glory.
Leaders, Gatekeepers and Intercessors
Even as God begins rising in the sons, the Holy Spirit will also begin moving among leaders to reveal the High Places where Gatekeepers need to be stationed and positioned. Corporate revelation of Christ, as well as demonstration of ministry in his body, is quickened to us where the sons are released. Discernment of the times operates in relationship to the generations. Release the sons to experience the gifts of ministry being multiplied towards present truth as well as the administrations that ministry will be functioning through.
In the Old Testament, the “high places” are often spoken of in respect to man’s disobedience, pride, and false worship. Inasmuch as the high places are the sum of false worship, many times they reveal false rule and dysfunction where generational iniquity governs the lives of people through family and community relations. The Kingdom comes with intentional and willful choices. We will see apostolic discipleship birthed where people have difficulty in times of transition.
Leaders will also be released in these times to discern the seasons, or administrations that are about to begin resting on God’s people. We should not be alarmed or fear when we begin experiencing the presence of ruling principalities. Ruling Elders are purposed to "keep" the high places in order to bring a shift in what governs the people on a spiritual level.
These are times to be humbled in the presence of God as we grow in the fear of the Lord. Christ is all authority in both heaven and in the earth. We don’t war with the enemy. We simply manifest Christ in a corporate body of leadership where full counsel can be represented.
Grace and peace,
Cindy Allen