
Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Ascent: Bringing Many Sons to Glory

In the coming days, we should expect to begin seeing a release in the sons and daughters of God as they begin their ascent in their personal revelation of Jesus Christ.  Our solitude of personal worship of God becomes greatly multiplied when we begin seeing the same seasons of God manifest in a company, or a Priesthood.  The Lord of Hosts will begin manifesting Himself to the multitudes beyond what the Church has ever known in the past.  In return, our commitment to embody the move of the Spirit through a Priesthood is purposed to birth greater administrations of ministry.  (1 Corinthians 12:28)  The quickening spirit of the Lord becomes manifest through the corporate ministry represented in Christ through a Priesthood.  

In order to begin seeing this come to fruition, Watchman and Prophetic Intercessors are needed to help birth the sons into Christ as they begin their ascent.  Our parameters are expanded to reveal Christ in order to give him place to be manifest on earth.  God’s primary purpose in these times is that the Kingdom would come to the earth where His (corporate) Son is manifest through a body.  There is complete restoration of all things in the glory of the Lord.  This ascent represents the saints rising in their stature in Christ and  is purposed to bring many sons into this glory. 

Leaders, Gatekeepers and Intercessors 

Even as God begins rising in the sons, the Holy Spirit will also begin moving among leaders to reveal the High Places where Gatekeepers need to be stationed and positioned.  Corporate revelation of Christ, as well as demonstration of ministry in his body, is quickened to us where the sons are released.  Discernment of the times operates in relationship to the generations.  Release the sons to experience the gifts of ministry being multiplied towards present truth as well as the administrations that ministry will be functioning through.  

In the Old Testament, the “high places” are often spoken of in respect to man’s disobedience, pride, and false worship.  Inasmuch as the high places are the sum of false worship, many times they reveal false rule and dysfunction where generational iniquity governs the lives of people through family and community relations.   The Kingdom comes with intentional and willful choices.  We will see apostolic discipleship birthed where people have difficulty in times of transition.  

Leaders will also be released in these times to discern the seasons, or administrations that are about to begin resting on God’s people.  We should not be alarmed or fear when we begin experiencing the presence of ruling principalities.  Ruling Elders are purposed to "keep" the high places in order to bring a shift in what governs the people on a spiritual level.  

These are times to be humbled in the presence of God as we grow in the fear of the Lord.  Christ is all authority in both heaven and in the earth.  We don’t war with the enemy.  We simply manifest Christ in a corporate body of leadership where full counsel can be represented.

Grace and peace, 

Cindy Allen  

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Discerning Our Path: The Race Reveals the Course!

Acts 20:24
But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.

Ephesians 2:2
in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Watch for the Watchmen!

It seems that we are once again approaching some very crucial times that God has been alerting us to.  This is being seen in those who are presently resounding the cry of Watchman and Prophetic Intercessors to the Body of Christ.  

First and foremost, we should understand that Watchman being restored to the Body of Christ is of great importance.  Without them giving warning of the snares and ditches that lie in wait for a body being propelled forward, the church would most likely overreach in times of transition.  A body that overreaches beyond it’s measure joins itself to that which is noisome to manifest the works of iniquity.  

Watchmen and Prophetic Intercessors who are being fine-tuned to the Spirit seek to join themselves to a body who produces a prophetic “over-sound”.   Much like professional singers produce an over-sound through a harmonic balance with other singers, a prophetic company who is in sync with it’s members produces a similar sound in the Spirit.  The sound of heaven breaks fleshly barriers and serves to straighten those who are bowed over.  

 In transitional times, we seek to discern the nature of the spiritual structure or the house that is being built up or strengthened.  True intercessors are relational to sons in transitional times.  This is especially needed where people lack in revelation of their own sonship.  Where ministry gifts are being built up, we relate to the whole house of the gift(s) that we’re interceding for to guard against a divided house.  It is the same with family and community. 

This kind of intercession has the potential to become very progressive and leads to much needed divine intervention in relationship to our nations.  Regarding Watchmen and Prophetic Intercessors, God often uses the Book of Ezekiel to impart His Spirit and the knowledge of His purposes.  

A focal point of Ezekiel in lieu of the Prophet Isaiah

Ezekiel was a Prophet to a people of exile, while Isaiah was a Prophet to a people who still inhabited their land.   During the times of Isaiah, Zion had become corrupt and needed to be redeemed.  

Ezekiel 1 - The Vision of Four Figures

1 Now it came about in the thirtieth year, on the fifth day of the fourth month, while I was by the river Chebar among the exiles, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God. 

Verse 4 says, “As I looked, behold, a storm wind was coming from the north, a great cloud with fire flashing forth continually and a bright light around it, and in its midst something like glowing metal in the midst of the fire“.

When God is moving to sanctify a people in specific areas of community and relationship, we often see a prophetic River form.  God purposes to manifest the prophetic times needed to prepare a people to cross over.  In doing so, revelation of these times give knowledge of a redemptive move of God.  

In the past few years, Prophets have been releasing words that warn against what forms a confederate army of ’North against the South’.  We must be watchful to discern the times that God is moving to gather His people through.  We must also be watchful to discern times of transition in people’s lives.  

Inasmuch as the global church body is “in Christ” through their knowledge of personal salvation, there are areas of lifestyle, family, and community where relational values are often in the midst of ruins.  Community is the bones all society.  The crooked places are made straight in the baptism of a prophetic Jordan River.  In such times, a people must be discipled to overcome and reach towards what will build, as opposed to what tears down and scatters.  

A people who live in the knowledge of how to manifest Christ in the earth are able to take part of redeeming greater community from man’s fallen nature.   Intercessors who participate in such a move of God on behalf of redeeming His people, are given discernment of the  times that the Watchman is equipped through.  Watchman are alerted in how to occupy spiritual ground that has been gained in order to keep watch in future, progressive moves of God.  

Are you one whom God is presently ministering to through the Book of Ezekiel?  Take comfort in knowing that you are one of many that God is raising for these purposes in this hour!  Just as God is gathering you for such a time as this, He will be your shield when the winds from the North begin to blow.  

In His rest,

Cindy Allen  

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Kingdom Factor

In commerce, a Factor is an agent or person who acts on behalf of another.  In this sense, the church is a Factor which acts on behalf of Christ in this world to bring the Kingdom of God to earth.  

A factor is also an element or cause that contributes to a result.  One example of this is, "When applied to our sonship, ministry equipping is a factor of spiritual and emotional maturity, as well as character development".    

In mathematics, a factor is a quantity multiplied by another quantity.  Another way of expressing this through the form of mathematics is, one of two or more numbers, or the like, that when multiplied together produce a given product.  

For the later purpose given, we need to examine the integral parts that serve together to make the completeness of the whole.  

The Teamwork Factor Within
 Full Counsel

Experience has taught us that the sovereignty  of God is the ultimate dominion and governing authority of all people and all nations upon this earth.  When God calls a body into any order of ministry, he will perform his word through those who faithfully stand on the word or part of ministry that is being developed.  The development of any ministry, especially that which is being restored to the body of Christ, is dependent upon the development of community.  Community is further developed through  the relationships of those who co-labor together  in respect to the same ground or stature in Christ. 

1 John 2:27 speaks about how the anointing which we received from Christ abides in us and how we have no need for anyone to teach us.  It also speaks that as the anointing teaches us about all things, we abide in Him (Christ).  We find that in abiding in the anointing from faith to faith and from glory to glory, God is faithful to gather us with those of like kind.  Even before we've even seen the ministry that is being developed, God purposes that we would see it in a people. 

Revelation is not exclusive.  New revelation should always serve to join us to a greater part of ministry that is presently operating within a global body.  However, we don't see other nations through the lens of ministry until we have matured as a nation within a church body.  

The work of the ministry within the smaller local part that we directly relate with should open our eyes to see the greater part of the ministry in respect to the global body.  When all of the components of ministry are fitly joined together, the multiplication factor keeps us fully aligned to reap of the benefits through a body that is whole.  A body that is whole is always increasing in the works that Christ did.  

From one harvest to the next, or from increase to increase, the Kingdom revealed IN us further serves to illuminate the form of the ministry that begins taking shape in the dawn of the new day.   Since I live in the United States, I shared a photo taken from satellite of the U.S. at night.  

The image above emulates what occurs spiritually through progressive ministry activation within teams or apostolic council.  Those who serve to faithfully propel a body forward are well established in their own faith.  Before we can see color as shown in the photo to the left, we must be able to see what divides night from day.  Those who are faithful to emulate the Kingdom when darkness falls will also be faithful to color the landscape of greater ministry with wisdom.  

I pray that we would be found faithful in our commission to make disciples of nations and to provide a venue of ministry that will serve to raise many sons to glory. 

Matt 28: 18 And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” 

 Kingdom blessings,

Cindy Allen