
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Watch for the Watchmen!

It seems that we are once again approaching some very crucial times that God has been alerting us to.  This is being seen in those who are presently resounding the cry of Watchman and Prophetic Intercessors to the Body of Christ.  

First and foremost, we should understand that Watchman being restored to the Body of Christ is of great importance.  Without them giving warning of the snares and ditches that lie in wait for a body being propelled forward, the church would most likely overreach in times of transition.  A body that overreaches beyond it’s measure joins itself to that which is noisome to manifest the works of iniquity.  

Watchmen and Prophetic Intercessors who are being fine-tuned to the Spirit seek to join themselves to a body who produces a prophetic “over-sound”.   Much like professional singers produce an over-sound through a harmonic balance with other singers, a prophetic company who is in sync with it’s members produces a similar sound in the Spirit.  The sound of heaven breaks fleshly barriers and serves to straighten those who are bowed over.  

 In transitional times, we seek to discern the nature of the spiritual structure or the house that is being built up or strengthened.  True intercessors are relational to sons in transitional times.  This is especially needed where people lack in revelation of their own sonship.  Where ministry gifts are being built up, we relate to the whole house of the gift(s) that we’re interceding for to guard against a divided house.  It is the same with family and community. 

This kind of intercession has the potential to become very progressive and leads to much needed divine intervention in relationship to our nations.  Regarding Watchmen and Prophetic Intercessors, God often uses the Book of Ezekiel to impart His Spirit and the knowledge of His purposes.  

A focal point of Ezekiel in lieu of the Prophet Isaiah

Ezekiel was a Prophet to a people of exile, while Isaiah was a Prophet to a people who still inhabited their land.   During the times of Isaiah, Zion had become corrupt and needed to be redeemed.  

Ezekiel 1 - The Vision of Four Figures

1 Now it came about in the thirtieth year, on the fifth day of the fourth month, while I was by the river Chebar among the exiles, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God. 

Verse 4 says, “As I looked, behold, a storm wind was coming from the north, a great cloud with fire flashing forth continually and a bright light around it, and in its midst something like glowing metal in the midst of the fire“.

When God is moving to sanctify a people in specific areas of community and relationship, we often see a prophetic River form.  God purposes to manifest the prophetic times needed to prepare a people to cross over.  In doing so, revelation of these times give knowledge of a redemptive move of God.  

In the past few years, Prophets have been releasing words that warn against what forms a confederate army of ’North against the South’.  We must be watchful to discern the times that God is moving to gather His people through.  We must also be watchful to discern times of transition in people’s lives.  

Inasmuch as the global church body is “in Christ” through their knowledge of personal salvation, there are areas of lifestyle, family, and community where relational values are often in the midst of ruins.  Community is the bones all society.  The crooked places are made straight in the baptism of a prophetic Jordan River.  In such times, a people must be discipled to overcome and reach towards what will build, as opposed to what tears down and scatters.  

A people who live in the knowledge of how to manifest Christ in the earth are able to take part of redeeming greater community from man’s fallen nature.   Intercessors who participate in such a move of God on behalf of redeeming His people, are given discernment of the  times that the Watchman is equipped through.  Watchman are alerted in how to occupy spiritual ground that has been gained in order to keep watch in future, progressive moves of God.  

Are you one whom God is presently ministering to through the Book of Ezekiel?  Take comfort in knowing that you are one of many that God is raising for these purposes in this hour!  Just as God is gathering you for such a time as this, He will be your shield when the winds from the North begin to blow.  

In His rest,

Cindy Allen  

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