This ministry is founded upon prayer, fellowship and spirit led discipleship. We support marketplace inspired ministry that all community is built from. We relate through ministry that builds teams of Five Fold ministry, Elders, and Marketplace Leaders.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Idenifying Koinonea Fellowship That Leads to Covenant vs Allegiance to One Part That Leads to Slavery
Recent prophetic words are alerting the global church body to begin expecting divine encounters with the Kingdom of God. These appointed times will serve to position the Church to advance the Kingdom of God in creative new ways. These times will also be very strategic in seeing a church body become engaged with the Kingdom through fellowship that is purposed to bring acceleration, as well as divine encounters. These times can often be identified or marked where obvious transition is occurring within one or more assemblies within the body of Christ. In one season, a body knows their members by the part that they're connected with. In another season, we see God moving to bring convergence to one or more parts. When we understand how to apprehend the times that God is moving through, fellowship always serves to reveal the greater part, or the next part. Without seeking God for the next part, our members can become agitated or even frustrated with the times that bring transition to the part that we are most comfortable with.
With some insight to the coming times, a number of years ago, I began moving out to allow God to demonstrate the fellowship, or relationships that would need to be present in what God had begun speaking to me about. The sermon notes that are posted at the end of this message are actually from a Pastor friend of a Pastor that I related with through a local church several years ago. I don't personally know the Pastor who wrote the notes below, but the message he is preparing for his congregation is very relevant for the times that we are embarking upon. My Pastor friend had permission to post them and I was also given permission to post them.
Before I do, I feel that it is beneficial to paint a visual landscape that serves to reveal the many parts being represented where God begins moving in his body. With every move of the Spirit, there is often both light and dark. Vision casting helps people in seeking to be spirit led. We also need to identify the ditches so that people don't fall into them. Right alignment to the things of God produces God's strongholds in the people to establish them in the Kingdom of God. Misuse of the same can create deep wounding in the body and results in strongholds that people will need to be delivered from in order to overcome them. One is light and the other is dark.
Regarding the organic church body, ministry, and order, it helps to reflect on how the human body is created. As intricate and exquisitely designed as the skeletal system is, it's greater purpose is in "housing" the internal organs and the works of the human anatomy.
For a number of years, God has been leading me in the revealing and demonstration of the Koinonea fellowship that Acts 2:42 speaks of in relationship to the Church body. In light of the fellowship that the Greek name, Koinonea (fellowship) identifies, we look for the Kingdom to come down in our midst to be manifest in God's people. For this to happen, we find that we must all be on the same page. This is especially so where we need to all be relating to the same concepts and perspectives. To accomplish true Koinonea, we find that we often need to define and redefine areas of communication that can become grey areas where clarity is needed.
When I was led out of apostolic networks, God began using local denominational bodies to reveal another kind of networking. Lifestyle and the Marketplace became the venue for ministry in the latter part. While one administration establishes the order that God will build one or more branches of ministry through, the second administration established an order that greater relationship could be demonstrated through. Networking in the latter part was more like, "the foot bone connecting to the ankle bone and the ankle bone connecting to the leg bone; the leg bone connecting to the knee bone and the knee bone connecting to the thigh bone". I believe this paints a clear picture of the vision that is needed in order to apprehend the times that are purposed to reveal Christ in a people. Once ministry begins to permeate lifestyle, family and community, we begin to see how impacting the Kingdom of God is in the heart and soul of community. This is actually where God is needed the most!
With all of that being said, if we are not discerning of the pitfalls, we can fall into the trap of giving allegiance to one part alone; so much so that we loose functionality of the many members that make up the church body.
Allegiance means, "the loyalty of a citizen to his or her government or of a subject to his or her sovereign." It also means, "the loyalty or devotion to some person, group, cause or the like." Knowing this, it's very easy to see how imbalanced any order can become in respect to the greater part it was created for.
Koinonea fellowship always leads to covenant that God will openly demonstrate among His people. Wrong allegiances lead to the slavery that is being addressed in the sermon notes below. The notes below turn up some interesting study that identifies "the times" that the early church faced. At the death and resurrection of Christ, the early Church found themselves to be on the bottom of a social hierarchy within the Roman government. Where people are rising in their stature in relationship to the ascension ministries of Christ, we find it needful to establish watches to insure that we don't fall into the same pitfalls that man's natural flesh will lead him to. Enjoy the sermon notes below from this local Pastor!
Kind regards,
Cindy Allen
Sonship vs. Slavery |
Sermon Notes from a Local Pastor, June 29, 2013
The text is I Peter 2: 18-25.
The issue is the question of how slaves who are now disciples of Jesus can live faithfully under the harsh conditions of their bondage.
I don't have time to go into describing 1st century slavery but suffice it to say that it was not of the same variety as American slavery. I will say this much: in the first century slaves were considered members of the household. None of that is to take away from the truth that slavery, and the institution of slavery, is evil. It not only deprives the slave of the dignity that is due to him/her as someone created in the image and likeness of God, it deprives him/her of the gift of freedom that is given to all by the gracious God.
Nothing that Peter writes should be taken as an endorsement of the practice or of the institution.
Keep in mind that life under Rome, while good in some respects, was particularly good for those on top. To be among the honored and the wealthy was not a bad place to be, especially when Rome was being directed by a relatively decent emperor. To be on the bottom of the social hierarchy was not a good place to be although one might benefit from the "Pax Romana", the Roman peace.
Second, keep in mind that Rome was very committed to order and order maintained 'under the blade." In a way, Rome was fascist if by that we mean "virtue at the point of a gun."
Fascism is virtue under force. Remember when your dad said: "You will go visit your old aunt and you will enjoy it or else?" Dad was being a little fascist.
On another note, the word 'fascist' comes from a Roman symbol of the 'fasces'. The 'fasces' was a bundle of wooden rods tied together around an ax. The fasces was the same kind of symbol as a 'velvet glove on an iron fist.' The binding of the rods symbolized the unity of Rome. The ax symbolized the power that lay at the center of that unity.
Roman Order
Rome was committed to order for several reasons. Their notions of order were borrowed from the Greeks. However, practically speaking, order also grew out of social and political necessity. By the time of Jesus, the authority of Rome extended over a great portion of the Mediterranean world. It extended over large portions of Spain and all the way north to Britain.
Further, Rome was constantly under threat from without and from within. They lived in constant fear and threat of the 'barbarian' hordes to their north. The barbarian tribes (mostly Germanic) had been Rome's enemy for well over a century before the birth of Jesus. (They were called "barbarian" because the Romans said their language was "barbar"....grunting nonsense. i.e. they lacked Rome's good graces.
Rome also lived under constant fear of rebellion within. Remember the old movie Spartacus? Kirk Douglas played a rebellious slave/gladiator (gladiators came form the slave class) Spartacus, who probably did not look Kirk Douglas, was a historic figure who lead a slave revolt against Rome about 70 years before the birth of Jesus. He was a real pain to Roman authority and it took several years to quell his rebellion. (Incidentally, when they did quell the rebellion, the general who defeated Spartacus took 4000 of his followers and crucified them. He placed the crosses about 50 feet apart and nailed each captive to a cross. The line of crucifixion extended about 125 miles and provided a reminder to any slaves who thought they might like to follow in the path of Spartacus.)
Roman Order and the Household
The household was central to Roman order. As a matter of fact, it is likely more appropriate to say that the household was the fundamental unit of Roman society and order- even more so than in America, which says such things but which also extols the individual as the fundamental unit of society. (incidentally, the helps explain why America is so confused about marriage and family: how do you both extol the individual while extolling an institution that places limits upon the individual?)
Household operated according to what is called "the code of the Household". These household codes did three things: (1) they reflected the hierarchy of power that was part of Roman society. (i.e. Just as Caesar was head of the Roman household so the husband/father was head of the household..and head in a way that reflected Roman power. i.e. virtue under force.) (2) the household code assigned the members of the household a 'station' or 'place' in the household (and in the world) and (3) the household code defined the duties of each person in his or her place.
Finally, the household code was an important means of evaluating outsiders. When anyone came from the outside of a community, or from outside the Roman world, they were evaluated in terms of the household code. Those whose households did not reflect the Roman model were summarily rejected and sometimes even driven out.
Incidentally, and this will figure into our study in a week or two...Romans were deeply suspicious of 'outside women.' This was in part due to their experience with barbarian women who often fought alongside their men. Further, outsider women symbolized settlement, homemaking, and childbearing. For Romans, it is one thing to be invaded by a bunch of barbarian male warriors. It was quite another to be invaded by barbarian families who produced barbarian children who stood to penetrate and destroy Roman culture.
So, Roman citizens (and Roman powers) were suspect of outsiders. And they measured the fitness of outsiders for Roman culture on the basis of whether they kept the Roman household code.
The Text
When you read this text, I Peter 2:18-25, read it with that in mind. Peter is addressing a problem: how to encourage unity and faithfulness among a people who are on mission for God but who are 'suspect' and who are being judged by whether they 'keep the code.'
Some things to note:
1. vs. 18: for whom do the slaves he writes live? What is their motive for 'subordinating' their lives to their earthly Masters, whether good or harsh?
2. vs. 19: Does Peter endorse the institution of slavery or does he recognize there is not much that can be done in a direct manner about it? What kind of behavior does he commend and why? How does that teaching serve to subvert slavery?
3. vs. 20 ff: What model does Peter offer to encourage these Christian slaves who are living under such harsh conditions? What did that model do and how did he do it?
4. vs. 24-25: What comfort does he offer these slaves?
Okay...that ought to give you something to do this week-end. Hope you have a good one and I will see you SUNDAY!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Making Ourselves Ready for God's "NEXT......."
As a church body, we are becoming more enlightened as to who we are as the Body of Christ, and especially as the Bride of Christ, Even as we need revelation of Christ on so many levels of faith and lifestyle, we also need revelation knowledge of who we are as the Bride of Christ. The Greek word for church is, “ecclesia”. An ecclesia refers to those who are “called out” into a place of an assembly. What is the purpose of our assembly? To know Christ and make Him known. In the Son, all see the Father and His Kingdom! First, our fellowship within the assembly must be defined and confirmed in the Holy Spirit. As spoken of in Acts 2:42, the Greek word for fellowship is “koinonea”, which means:
1) fellowship, association, community, communion, joint participation, intercourse
a) the share which one has in anything, participation
b) intercourse, fellowship, intimacy
1) the right hand as a sign and pledge of fellowship (in fulfilling the apostolic office)
c) a gift jointly contributed, a collection, a contribution, as exhibiting an embodiment and proof of fellowship
We immediately find that where we are “called out” into the counsel of those who are like-minded, signs and wonders soon begin showing up in other circles of relationship to reveal where God is moving in our lives to bring the Kingdom. Our forward momentum within an ecclesia will often place demands on relationships in other areas of our lives. As it does, we soon begin seeing what the Greek is referring to in it’s reference to “come out”. Enlightened in the Holy Spirit, we begin coming out of false or broken relational standards that wound the souls of people. False relational standards serve to break down the community needed to build the lives of people. To know Christ In safety and in peace in every facet of lifestyle is to not only enter the Kingdom of God, but to dwell within the Kingdom of God while we are on earth! The Christ way, or the Christian way, builds people through God’s eternal value systems that never fail or become corrupt.
Early on in my Christian walk, as soon as I began learning to hear God’s voice, I also began discerning the voice of the Holy Spirit - who is separate from Christ. In relationship to the ecclesia, the Holy Spirit is always moving to lead us into Christ in His manifold expressions. Beginning with that of a church body, the ecclesia goes on to form family, community, governments and/or administrations, etc.
1 Corinthians 12:28
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
28 And God has appointed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues.
Anytime that I personally “SEE” Christ, He is appearing to reveal the NEXT thing, The experience that is to follow reveals relationship with those who will bring mutual participation in whatever the next thing is that God leads us into! The demonstration of Zion in the earth (through the ecclesia) comes through our revelation of knowing how to bring the Kingdom of God to earth. Simply put, we form the body that will manifest Christ in the earth in whatever area of life that God leads us to be an influence in.
The Church is not in bricks and mortar, even though this structure can house our meetings. The Church is living because God lives through Christ in us! In so being, we must continually be joined to works that will demonstrate the nature and attributes of Christ to a hurting world who needs to be reconciled with God.
Looking forward to God's next thing!
Kingdom blessings,
Cindy Allen
Friday, May 10, 2013
The Upward Call
In Philippians 3:14, Paul writes about pressing on to the mark, or the goal, for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
To the ecclesia (a functional Church body as Christ intended), the forming of Christ in one body soon leads to the forming of Christ in other spheres of service. Here, the upward call of the Kingdom of God is revealed in Christ through his manifold expressions on earth.
To the church body, a completed work is revealed among members who stay the course to see the finished work in the fullness of times. The fullness of times, being the prize, is Christ formed in and through a body in a completed work. The fullness of times in Christ serve to bring demonstration of the Kingdom of God on earth. Even in the presence of the miraculous, miracles can manifest for the purpose of showing us where we presently are on a spiritual map to where we are going in this upward call. We can be sure that anytime an ecclesia is formed for any reason, an upward ascent will follow once God has revealed a higher standard to obtain. Without understanding and direction, people can feel challenged beyond what they feel they’re equipped to handle. For this reason, we learn to measure ourselves in how, when, where, and why the gifts of Christ begin to operate in respect to the Prize that is set before us.
To the Church, a government which is purposed to equip and empower a people is formed within a body. Beyond a church body, a standard is raised to build both family and community. Beyond that, spiritual gifts can and do operate in relationship to marketplace spheres.
Since this is a progressive pattern of growth, we must pay close attention to the signs that often follow the wonders. Signs serve to point to Doorways or Portals that are purposed to open our discernment as to how to apprehend the “times of Christ” needed to raise or release a body towards the higher goals that God is calling us to.
In Philippians 3:15, Paul goes on to say, “therefore, as many as are perfect, have this attitude; and if in anything you have a different attitude, God will reveal that also to you. 16 however, let us keep living by that same standard to which we have attained. 17 Brethren, join in following my example and observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us.
In the world, authority is often expressed through what is positional, as in having authority over people. An ecclesia, on the other hand, serves to raise standards that people can rise to and grow through, thus building up all who share in a particular community. As in all community, growth within a body can locate stress or pressure points that serve to mark where we need to begin building.
If our eyes are dim, we only see and hear after what is earthly or natural. Where we are enlightened by a progressive flow of revelation of Christ in a body, the ministry that comes forth will feed, equip, and establish our members to enable them to move in sync with God’s timing and greater purposes.
Beyond the fruit of prophecy, the prophetic realm should always provide God’s people with the experience of the divine atmosphere of grace and heaven. When this is shared with God, as well as with His people, we soon learn the blessing that stewardship brings into our midst. Stewardship becomes the Gateway to experiencing the apostolic (Foundation Ministry of Apostles) so that revelation becomes manifestation in the lives of all who participate. Where this is so, people are planted and established as trees, soon to yield greater fruit. Inasmuch as our fruitfulness bears witness of The Tree that we eat from, as well as the Vine that we abide in, the greater part that God is leading us toward involves multiplying bread (the word) for the meat needed in the journey that is yet before us. In times of expansion, we can find ourselves toiling or striving all night without a catch.
After his death, in his third appearance to his disciples, Jesus revealed himself to them by the Sea of Tiberias. (John 21) It’s interesting to know that the Sea of Tiberias was named in honor of Tiberias Caesar. Throughout the life of Jesus, Tiberias was the ruling emperor of Rome and was in power when Jesus was crucified.
The purpose of the Church is to establish the rule and the government of the Kingdom of God on earth. This can only be accomplished through the greater works that Jesus promised. Our entry into greater dimensions of “rule” that governs the people of this earth comes as we receive of revelation of Christ in relationship to God’s creation. Melchizedek brings the bread and wine of fellowship to all nations. Fellowship that leads to faith is the greater meat needed to demonstrate how the Kingdom comes to disciple nations in respect to their given sphere of influence and authority.
In John 21, Jesus did not identify with how or what his disciples were toiling in as much as he identified himself in them. He also identified where they were in him at that particular time. Jesus, the Word of God, called to himself in His disciples and provided the meat they needed for their upward call. “Children”…..
John 21: 5 So Jesus *said to them, “Children, you do not have any fish, do you?” They answered Him, “No.” 6 And He said to them, Cast the net on the right-hand side of the boat and you will find a catch.” So they cast, and then they were not able to haul it in because of the great number of fish.
Here, the Greek word for children is paidion and refers to infants. Rather than address what was broken down, or not working, Jesus addressed what needed to be built up. He then ministered out of what he was already modeling to them before their face. The dawn of each new day brings new revelation of Jesus in how we are to go forth in this upward call. Even as the fullness of times brings us to full stature within each season, we must remain childlike and teachable in order to abide in God’s rest to enter the next seasons. Zion continually reveals the high places of revelation, as well as the low places that need manifestation of the Kingdom of God on earth.
In Christ, there is no hierarchy - only the ecclesia that raises the standard and the rule for all people to dwell together in unity. In John 21, Christ raised a standard for the disciples that revealed his own Lordship to them. He then invited them to be mutual partakers and stewards of what he was revealing to them. This is the way of Zion and the Kingdom of God!
Psalm 69:35
35 For God will save Zion and build the cities of Judah,
That they may dwell there and possess it.
Kingdom blessings,
Cindy Allen
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Learning to Govern Your Life in the Night Seasons
In recent posts, a functioning ecclesia was defined for the purpose of identifying and revealing the works of Christ through a church body. We also identified the Ascension in Christ, as well as the synergy of working ministry that becomes present within this body once this relationship is formed. For the purpose of learning to carry God's presence within a corporate body, spiritual power and spiritual authority was also addressed.
Next, we need to know how to govern our lives by and through the gifts in respect to both Day and Night. A functioning ecclesia, which is the church body, learns how to manifest an expression of Christ in the earth through the gifts that He gave to the church. (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers) From beginning to end, we must have the presence of the Holy Spirit with the administration of all gifts and all ministry. In our going forward, if we don't create a Watch from one season to the next, we will most likely end up with something that doesn't bear witness of the root. Learning to govern our lives through an administration of the gifts requires the presence of both Day and Night. How we engage ourselves in respect to both is the determining factor of what we become joined to.
In past times, we have learned to receive of the anointing, gifts, and ministry through being aligned to people who were of like gifting. We also understand how to receive authority by being submitted to authority. In addition to this, we have learned how to reproduce the ministries of Christ from one generation to another through the gifts of Eph. 4:11. In the season that is presently upon us, we must learn to manifest Light in the earth which is needed in order for us to know the greater works of Christ.
As in all ministry, we must "possess the land" so to speak in order to know the Giver of the Gifts. In other words, we know Christ by knowing who we are in Christ. The administration of ministry changes once we begin learning to discern Day from Night. Heart motives become the key factor in the end result of why we do what we do. Beyond the witness of Christ that the gifts produce within a church body, the works that are multiplied through these same gifts produce administrations that are purposed to serve as God's government in the earth. As we covered a little earlier, administrations are relational to specific spheres and jurisdictions. Administrations also serve to "house" or embody the manifest presence of God through power and demonstration of Word and ministry.
Before we can step more fully into cultivating administrations, we must know how to govern our lives in the Night seasons. Anytime that we're aligned with a body that will produce multiplication, the sum, or the totality of the ministry being reproduced is unknown until we discover the treasures that lie within the darkness. For this reason, we need to know how to abide in Christ when the spiritual climate, or the circumstances around us is changing. As long as we abide in the Light, we continue to see and perceive Light. John 1:1 says that the darkness did not comprehend the Light. Remember, in the multiplication, Light must discern Light in order to move towards it from glory to glory.
John 1 - The Deity of Jesus Christ
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. 5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
Kingdom blessings,
Cindy Allen
Monday, February 4, 2013
The Salvation, the Power, the Kingdom, and the Authority of Christ
On numerous occasions over the past several years, I have shared an open vision that I was given where I saw myself within a room and then again within a landscape. The Lord was present with me in both places and because he was present, I could discern everything that was within the room (what was built). While the focus within the room was primarily on how to build or create by the Spirit, the discernment that was given of the landscape related more to "tending of the Garden". Continually occupying the spiritual ground that has been gained through team building is very strategic in our moving forward in an upward ascent in Christ.
The gifts that serve to bring us into the experience of our personal identity in Christ also serve to reveal a more corporate identity in Christ. From beginning to end, what forms a corporate witness of Christ in the earth is known as a functioning ecclesia, which is the church.
In the times that passed since I received this vision, ministry that was once formed through becoming built up in the gifts began taking on new purpose, new form, and a whole new course.
The son(s) see The Son, and all who are in The Son (Christ) sees the Father and His Kingdom. From a functioning Ecclesia or church, who sees the Kingdom together, all that we discern and perceive by the spirit comes into being by first knowing how to "build up the wall" of corporate salvation. This is especially needed once the Holy Spirit begins moving to expand us. Every person or body that is perfected to embody Christ WILL be stretched beyond it's present measure! Once we can keep the ecclesia in it's true form within specific spheres or venues, the life within is called forth. This understanding is needed in order to learn how to build up the hedge of protection around community, cities, regions, etc. Covenant that is revealed beyond the church walls can only be manifest through knowing how to build up the hedge of protection.
Once an ecclesia reaches it's full stature within a given assignment or season, the same reaches the fullness of times. These are the fullness of times that we watch for. These fullness of times within the Lord's ascension leads to a completed work within one season and prepares us to build towards a new season. In the fullness of times, we become alert to a coming visitation beyond our present state so that we watch in expectancy. Expectations can often tie us to what God moved in yesterday. While expectations can often bring offense, expectancy will bring the habitation of the Lord in the new season. As we wait on the Lord with expectancy, we also watch for the next progression of the spirit. Once the Holy Spirit begins to move, we respond to him so that when the wine begins to flow, the new wine will not be spilled out and lost. A great part of building up the ecclesia comes in being continually prepared through those who have been called out to appear before the Lord even as he appears in his glory.
The gifts of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers build us for one purpose and the form of this seed never changes. (Eph 4:11). However, Garden Ministry within an ecclesia serves to reveal the works of Christ through a greater Priesthood. Although the form of the ministry may change, we will always identify the works of the original ministries by their fruit. A functioning ecclesia (who ascends in Christ) will raise, or call forth the same Christ life in all of creation. Whether the community that we're building is the actual church family, natural family, community or workplace, all that we know of ministry continues to reproduce itself in the regeneration.
Christ Revealed and Manifest
Regarding the manifest presence of Christ with us, the process of team building with those who are willing participants lead to multiplying the works of the ministries from their original form and function. Team building leads to revealing the community that is required to bring the manifest presence of Christ. From Christ in his form within the Church, what is the form of man within family, community and beyond? The ecclesia continues to call forth Christ in these relationships. From Christ in his form within the sons, what is the form of Christ in the earth through the life within our cities and nations? Again, the ecclesia continues to call forth the Christ life within the earth. Does the marketplace contaminate true faith? If it does, how then do we make disciples of nations? Truly, we are called to make disciples of nations!
The Three R's
Beyond Christ's original form through what we know as Five Fold ministry (Eph. 4:11), we move into ministry that requires three-fold expressions to reveal a finished work. Beginning with Reconciliation, Restoration and Regeneration, the greater works of Christ continue to be multiplied through venues well beyond what the church walls can contain. Once ministry goes beyond the foundation stages of building, the ecclesia serves to call forth everything that has breath in the original substance that God created through. Everything that God created contains the spirit life of the word (Christ) within itself. The ecclesia, being of spirit, has the power to raise life by the spirit. In doing so, the original form of every living thing is brought into memory of it's beginning in God. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Let the church rise, even as God rises in the church!
Praise the Lord!
Giving praise,
Cindy Allen
The gifts that serve to bring us into the experience of our personal identity in Christ also serve to reveal a more corporate identity in Christ. From beginning to end, what forms a corporate witness of Christ in the earth is known as a functioning ecclesia, which is the church.
In the times that passed since I received this vision, ministry that was once formed through becoming built up in the gifts began taking on new purpose, new form, and a whole new course.
The son(s) see The Son, and all who are in The Son (Christ) sees the Father and His Kingdom. From a functioning Ecclesia or church, who sees the Kingdom together, all that we discern and perceive by the spirit comes into being by first knowing how to "build up the wall" of corporate salvation. This is especially needed once the Holy Spirit begins moving to expand us. Every person or body that is perfected to embody Christ WILL be stretched beyond it's present measure! Once we can keep the ecclesia in it's true form within specific spheres or venues, the life within is called forth. This understanding is needed in order to learn how to build up the hedge of protection around community, cities, regions, etc. Covenant that is revealed beyond the church walls can only be manifest through knowing how to build up the hedge of protection.
Once an ecclesia reaches it's full stature within a given assignment or season, the same reaches the fullness of times. These are the fullness of times that we watch for. These fullness of times within the Lord's ascension leads to a completed work within one season and prepares us to build towards a new season. In the fullness of times, we become alert to a coming visitation beyond our present state so that we watch in expectancy. Expectations can often tie us to what God moved in yesterday. While expectations can often bring offense, expectancy will bring the habitation of the Lord in the new season. As we wait on the Lord with expectancy, we also watch for the next progression of the spirit. Once the Holy Spirit begins to move, we respond to him so that when the wine begins to flow, the new wine will not be spilled out and lost. A great part of building up the ecclesia comes in being continually prepared through those who have been called out to appear before the Lord even as he appears in his glory.
The gifts of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers build us for one purpose and the form of this seed never changes. (Eph 4:11). However, Garden Ministry within an ecclesia serves to reveal the works of Christ through a greater Priesthood. Although the form of the ministry may change, we will always identify the works of the original ministries by their fruit. A functioning ecclesia (who ascends in Christ) will raise, or call forth the same Christ life in all of creation. Whether the community that we're building is the actual church family, natural family, community or workplace, all that we know of ministry continues to reproduce itself in the regeneration.
Christ Revealed and Manifest
Regarding the manifest presence of Christ with us, the process of team building with those who are willing participants lead to multiplying the works of the ministries from their original form and function. Team building leads to revealing the community that is required to bring the manifest presence of Christ. From Christ in his form within the Church, what is the form of man within family, community and beyond? The ecclesia continues to call forth Christ in these relationships. From Christ in his form within the sons, what is the form of Christ in the earth through the life within our cities and nations? Again, the ecclesia continues to call forth the Christ life within the earth. Does the marketplace contaminate true faith? If it does, how then do we make disciples of nations? Truly, we are called to make disciples of nations!
The Three R's
Beyond Christ's original form through what we know as Five Fold ministry (Eph. 4:11), we move into ministry that requires three-fold expressions to reveal a finished work. Beginning with Reconciliation, Restoration and Regeneration, the greater works of Christ continue to be multiplied through venues well beyond what the church walls can contain. Once ministry goes beyond the foundation stages of building, the ecclesia serves to call forth everything that has breath in the original substance that God created through. Everything that God created contains the spirit life of the word (Christ) within itself. The ecclesia, being of spirit, has the power to raise life by the spirit. In doing so, the original form of every living thing is brought into memory of it's beginning in God. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Let the church rise, even as God rises in the church!
Psalm 150
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
A Psalm of Praise.
150 Praise the Lord!
Praise God in His sanctuary;
Praise Him in His mighty expanse.
2 Praise Him for His mighty deeds;
Praise Him according to His excellent greatness.
Praise God in His sanctuary;
Praise Him in His mighty expanse.
2 Praise Him for His mighty deeds;
Praise Him according to His excellent greatness.
3 Praise Him with trumpet sound;
Praise Him with harp and lyre.
4 Praise Him with timbrel and dancing;
Praise Him with stringed instruments and pipe.
5 Praise Him with loud cymbals;
Praise Him with resounding cymbals.
6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise Him with harp and lyre.
4 Praise Him with timbrel and dancing;
Praise Him with stringed instruments and pipe.
5 Praise Him with loud cymbals;
Praise Him with resounding cymbals.
6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Giving praise,
Cindy Allen
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
The Ascension
As shared in the earlier post, we know the ekklesia to be the Greek word that describes a living, organic expression of the church body. Once we experience the ekklesia, we learn how to activate the same works of Christ to see them reproduced in many expressions within other communities in the marketplace. Ministry gifts function very differently within an ekklesia where relationship serves to form one body. Even as Christ gave Five Gifts to men, no one gift in it’s lone expression has the capacity to create a dwelling place for God among the people. Even in knowing this, those who have led any ministry that subscribes a great part of it’s being to that of team building, knows that it is very difficult to begin a work in the fullness of this expression. Any work that we start is always “a work in progress” where we must recognize where we are in the process of progress.
In such an agreement, a relational Kingdom will manifest itself. Once the carriers of the ministry (the body) becomes built up to hold the glory, the glory that is to be poured out will build the community that surrounds the body. Among those who are called to co-labor with others in Christ for such purposes, we soon learn that the signs and wonders which are to follow, are greatly needed. This is especially so once we begin operating beyond what has been familiar to us in the past.
The formation of the ekklesia returns us to the knowledge of the Garden where the first man, Adam was formed. Within the ekklesia, or the Garden, the individual gift or gifts that we have been activated in now function for the purpose of cross-pollination and team building. What is leavened by the Kingdom becomes multiplied from within until our members mutually share the common ground of faith. This agreement of mutual faith is needed for Christ to demonstrate a new work within a body. The ascension ministries of Christ are only known through a functioning ekklesia. The saints, who are now hidden in Christ, are revealed and released in relationship to a functioning ekklesia, much like what the Priesthood presently functions in.
In a community where the focus of ministry is more on building Elder’s and leadership teams, we commonly see our members relating through ministry that is better identified as “Times and Seasons”. Although a measure of God’s presence will be manifest within this ekklesia, the greater demonstration of ministry will be seen in the personal ministries of our members.
From being called, to being called out, in Mark 16:20 we witness what follows those who “went forth”.
Mark 16:20
King James Version (KJV)
20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.
From the passage that speaks of Jesus ascending, the Amplified version translates this passage to read:,
19 So then the Lord Jesus, after He had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and He sat down at the right hand of God
20 And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord kept working with them and confirming the message by the attesting signs and miracles that closely accompanied [it]. Amen (so be it).
Synergy - From Water to Wine
We assemble ourselves for the purpose of giving God a dwelling place in the earth among His people. (Emmanuel, God with us) In doing so, God honors us first with a manifestation of His presence. Where God manifests His presence to us, a demonstration of ministry will soon follow in like order.
From generation to generation, God’s written word continues to minister to us today in relevant ways. Once we understand how to assemble ourselves to empower people to carry the presence of God, God Himself will finish the work that He began.
Synergy best describes the experience where ministry changes from water to wine. Suddenly, a substance of the Christ life becomes present that wasn’t with us before.
In Mark 16:20, “the Lord working with them” is translated from the Greek word, synergeo, which means: 1) to work together, help in work, be partner in labour
2) to put forth power together with and thereby to assist
The word, “synergy” (cooperation) comes from the Greek word, synergia and implies, “joint work”. Synergia comes from synergein, which means “work together; help another in work”.
While Webster’s dictionary gives us an accurate meaning, the same word spoken or manifest in relationship with God’s written Word becomes demonstrated in Holy Ghost power. The Holy Spirit brings all of our members on “the same page” in experiential ways.
From this agreement, all ministry begins to relate to a body whose members mutually participate with others regarding a specific work. This work is to be revealed, but the work itself will usually build one or more areas of community that relates to it’s purpose.
Koinonea Fellowship
Acts 2:42 speaks of (Koinonea) fellowship where “they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Here, fellowship implies joint participation, especially in relationship to community.
From Koinonea fellowship in the Holy Spirit, to a demonstration of ministry in Christ through synergy, our members are suddenly ONE. Where each member participates through the gifts within them, we suddenly have unity through diversity. In so being, we are an expression and a demonstration of Christ in the earth, even as we go from glory to glory!
Love and peace,
Cindy Allen
Friday, January 25, 2013
Revealing the Ekklesia
By definition, the Greek word for Church is ekklēsia. Ekklēsia means, Christians or citizens who are called out from their homes. It also identifies a company of Christians, or of those who, hoping for eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, observe their own religious rites.
There is the church in it's natural body in this earth, and there is the ekklēsia revealed through a spiritual body who reigns with Christ in heavenly places. As a new Christian, after serving within a church body for a few years, I will never forget the night that the Lord called me. On this night, I had laid down to go to sleep. I was just about to dose off when, suddenly, I heard the audible voice of the Lord in my ear. He simply spoke my name, "Cindy". When we think of someone calling us, we immediately think of how someone raises their voice to loudly call the name of another, but this is not how God demonstrated "the call" to me. Even as the Lord quietly and gently called me, I stirred up quite a commotion in my response to Him. In the presence of God, we have NO control over our spiritual reflexes. We respond!
'I'M COMING", I yelled. In a moment, I bolted out of the bed like a rocket. I took off running and didn't stop until I was in the living room of our home looking into my husband's face. In that awkward moment, having disrupted our children's sleep, all I could say was, "OK, .........let's all go back to bed now." I stayed up for the remainder of the night seeking God for His purposes in what had just taken place. The next morning, my husband smiled at me and said, "What did the Lord want with you last night?" He knew! The ekklesia, the body, knows itself! The Body knows itself even outside of what "houses" or governs other forms of relationship. Marriage before man is not the same as Holy Matrimony before God. One is sanctified and one is not. One is heavenly and one is earthly. Covenant is revealed through the divine. All that God responds to bears witness of faith through covenant; through Christ, God reveals His original intentions for all relationship.
The Greek word, ekklēsia is derived from the Greek word, kaleo, which means, "to call; to give a name to".
Here, Egypt implies the earthly form of the natural man. In this context, kaleo means "to cause to pass from one state to another state".
After being called out of darkness, in 1 Peter 2:9, kaleo takes on the form of an invitation.
There is the church in it's natural body in this earth, and there is the ekklēsia revealed through a spiritual body who reigns with Christ in heavenly places. As a new Christian, after serving within a church body for a few years, I will never forget the night that the Lord called me. On this night, I had laid down to go to sleep. I was just about to dose off when, suddenly, I heard the audible voice of the Lord in my ear. He simply spoke my name, "Cindy". When we think of someone calling us, we immediately think of how someone raises their voice to loudly call the name of another, but this is not how God demonstrated "the call" to me. Even as the Lord quietly and gently called me, I stirred up quite a commotion in my response to Him. In the presence of God, we have NO control over our spiritual reflexes. We respond!
'I'M COMING", I yelled. In a moment, I bolted out of the bed like a rocket. I took off running and didn't stop until I was in the living room of our home looking into my husband's face. In that awkward moment, having disrupted our children's sleep, all I could say was, "OK, .........let's all go back to bed now." I stayed up for the remainder of the night seeking God for His purposes in what had just taken place. The next morning, my husband smiled at me and said, "What did the Lord want with you last night?" He knew! The ekklesia, the body, knows itself! The Body knows itself even outside of what "houses" or governs other forms of relationship. Marriage before man is not the same as Holy Matrimony before God. One is sanctified and one is not. One is heavenly and one is earthly. Covenant is revealed through the divine. All that God responds to bears witness of faith through covenant; through Christ, God reveals His original intentions for all relationship.
The Greek word, ekklēsia is derived from the Greek word, kaleo, which means, "to call; to give a name to".
Matthew 1:21
21 She will bear a Son; and you shall call {kaleo} His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:23
23 Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call {kaleo} His name Emmanuel,” which translated means, God with us.”
In Matt 2:15, kaleo is used in the context of "calling out" in regards to being summoned.
Matthew 2:15
15 He remained there until the death of Herod.This was to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called My Son.”
Here, Egypt implies the earthly form of the natural man. In this context, kaleo means "to cause to pass from one state to another state".
After being called out of darkness, in 1 Peter 2:9, kaleo takes on the form of an invitation.
1 Peter 2:9
9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;
From the formation of the ekklesia, where Jesus performed His first miracle in John 2:2, "kaleo" becomes an invitation to a feast. In the context of John 2:2, the Greek definition for the word "invited" is also kaleo.
John 2:2
2 and both Jesus and His disciples were invited (kaleo) to the wedding.
From the power of the Spirit to the demonstration of ministry, Christ reveals His substance in all who seek to embody his greater works.
My first experience with the ekklesia was with my husband. The next experience was with a female Pastor I met through the internet and had never laid eyes on. Even so, when we came together, the wine flowed and the substance of Christ was known in our midst. My experience with the ekklesia dramatically changed once I learned to cultivate ministry through community. Even in this, when God calls us, as deep calling to deep, we must be prepared to step into the waters that will stop the flow of the natural man. This is especially so when ministry is being demonstrated for the purpose of building greater community.
In Genesis 2:20, the first man, Adam, gave names to all the cattle, the birds of the sky and to every beast of the field. We know the purposes that Adam was naming all that was in creation. To call forth what was in the earth! Somewhere along the line, Adam tripped up on the order of creation that he was to be submitted to.
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. There are times to rule as Kings and there are times to be submitted as Priests before God. It's wisdom to discern the times and know the difference! This is especially so when the Adam nature is governing the behavior of a people in specific matters. In Joshua 3:16, the waters which were flowing down from above stood and rose up in one heap, a great distance away at Adam, the city that is beside Zarethan; and those were flowing down toward the sea of Arabah, the Salt Sea, were completely cut off. So the people crossed opposite Jericho.
As we go from glory to glory and from faith to faith, this Priesthood will often be "called" to wade into waters that are to be stopped - all the way to the city of Adam. Even where the Adam nature is being revealed in a people, the last Adam, who is Christ, is faithful to restore us through His quickening spirit in a blink of an eye.
Finally, as in Romans 9:7, kaleo means to bear a name or title.
Romans 9:7
7 nor are they all children because they are Abraham’s descendants, but: “through Isaac your descendants will be named. {kaleo}”
Revelation 4:1 takes on new meaning once we understand what it is to "be called" and to "call forth" creation in it's original form, and in the original purposes that God created through.
Revelation 4:1
Scene in Heaven
4 After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven, and the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these things.”
Jesus calls us up from where He reigns in heaven. "Come up" means to ascend; to go up. To rise, mount, be borne up, to spring up. We must be continually mindful of our position in Christ as well as our purpose in Christ so that we do not drift away from the Truth.
Grace and peace,
Cindy Allen
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