Next, we need to know how to govern our lives by and through the gifts in respect to both Day and Night. A functioning ecclesia, which is the church body, learns how to manifest an expression of Christ in the earth through the gifts that He gave to the church. (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers) From beginning to end, we must have the presence of the Holy Spirit with the administration of all gifts and all ministry. In our going forward, if we don't create a Watch from one season to the next, we will most likely end up with something that doesn't bear witness of the root. Learning to govern our lives through an administration of the gifts requires the presence of both Day and Night. How we engage ourselves in respect to both is the determining factor of what we become joined to.
In past times, we have learned to receive of the anointing, gifts, and ministry through being aligned to people who were of like gifting. We also understand how to receive authority by being submitted to authority. In addition to this, we have learned how to reproduce the ministries of Christ from one generation to another through the gifts of Eph. 4:11. In the season that is presently upon us, we must learn to manifest Light in the earth which is needed in order for us to know the greater works of Christ.
As in all ministry, we must "possess the land" so to speak in order to know the Giver of the Gifts. In other words, we know Christ by knowing who we are in Christ. The administration of ministry changes once we begin learning to discern Day from Night. Heart motives become the key factor in the end result of why we do what we do. Beyond the witness of Christ that the gifts produce within a church body, the works that are multiplied through these same gifts produce administrations that are purposed to serve as God's government in the earth. As we covered a little earlier, administrations are relational to specific spheres and jurisdictions. Administrations also serve to "house" or embody the manifest presence of God through power and demonstration of Word and ministry.
Before we can step more fully into cultivating administrations, we must know how to govern our lives in the Night seasons. Anytime that we're aligned with a body that will produce multiplication, the sum, or the totality of the ministry being reproduced is unknown until we discover the treasures that lie within the darkness. For this reason, we need to know how to abide in Christ when the spiritual climate, or the circumstances around us is changing. As long as we abide in the Light, we continue to see and perceive Light. John 1:1 says that the darkness did not comprehend the Light. Remember, in the multiplication, Light must discern Light in order to move towards it from glory to glory.
John 1 - The Deity of Jesus Christ
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. 5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
Kingdom blessings,
Cindy Allen
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