
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Learning to Govern Your Life in the Night Seasons

In recent posts, a functioning ecclesia was defined for the purpose of identifying and revealing the works of Christ through a church body.  We also identified the Ascension in Christ, as well as the synergy of working ministry that becomes present within this body once this relationship is formed.  For the purpose of learning to carry God's presence within a corporate body, spiritual power and spiritual authority was also addressed. 

Next, we need to know how to govern our lives by and through the gifts in respect to both Day and Night.  A functioning ecclesia, which is the church body, learns how to manifest an expression of Christ in the earth through the gifts that He gave to the church.  (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers)  From beginning to end, we must have the presence of the Holy Spirit with the administration of all gifts and all ministry.    In our going forward, if we don't create a Watch from one season to the next, we will most likely end up with something that doesn't bear witness of the root.  Learning to govern our lives through an administration of the gifts requires the presence of both Day and Night.  How we engage ourselves in respect to both is the determining factor of what we become joined to. 

In past times, we have learned to receive of the anointing, gifts, and ministry through being aligned to people who were of like gifting. We also understand how to receive authority by being submitted to authority.  In addition to this, we have learned how to reproduce the ministries of Christ from one generation to another through the gifts of Eph. 4:11.  In the season that is presently upon us, we must learn to manifest Light in the earth which is needed in order for us to know the greater works of Christ.  

As in all ministry, we must "possess the land" so to speak in order to know the Giver of the Gifts.  In other words, we know Christ by knowing who we are in Christ. The administration of ministry changes once we begin learning to discern Day from Night.  Heart motives become the key factor in the end result of why we do what we do.  Beyond the witness of Christ that the gifts produce within a church body, the works that are multiplied through these same gifts produce administrations that are purposed to serve as God's government in the earth.  As we covered a little earlier, administrations are relational to specific spheres and jurisdictions.  Administrations also serve to "house" or embody the manifest presence of God through power and demonstration of Word and ministry.  

Before we can step more fully into cultivating administrations, we must know how to govern our lives in the Night seasons.   Anytime that we're aligned with a body that will produce multiplication, the sum, or the totality of the ministry being reproduced is unknown until we discover the treasures that lie within the darkness.  For this reason, we need to know how to abide in Christ when the spiritual climate, or the circumstances around us is changing.  As long as we abide in the Light, we continue to see and perceive Light.  John 1:1 says that the darkness did not comprehend the Light.  Remember, in the multiplication, Light must discern Light in order to move towards it from glory to glory.  

John 1  -   The Deity of Jesus Christ

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

Kingdom blessings,

Cindy Allen       

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Salvation, the Power, the Kingdom, and the Authority of Christ

On numerous occasions over the past several years, I have shared an open vision that I was given where I saw myself within a room and then again within a landscape.  The Lord  was present with me in both places and because he was present, I could discern everything that was within the room (what was built).  While the focus within the room was primarily on how to build or create by the Spirit, the discernment that was given of the landscape related more to "tending of the Garden".  Continually occupying the spiritual ground that has been gained through team building is very strategic in our moving forward in an upward ascent in Christ.  

The gifts that serve to bring us into the experience of our personal identity in Christ also serve to reveal a more corporate identity in Christ. From beginning to end, what forms a corporate witness of Christ in the earth is known as a functioning ecclesia, which is the church.   

In the times that passed since I received this vision, ministry that was once formed through becoming built up in the gifts began taking on new purpose, new form, and a whole new course.  

The son(s) see The Son, and all who are in The Son (Christ) sees the Father and His Kingdom.  From a functioning Ecclesia or church, who sees the Kingdom together, all that we discern and perceive by the spirit comes into being by first knowing how to "build up the wall" of corporate salvation.  This is especially needed once the Holy Spirit begins moving to expand us.  Every person or body that is perfected to embody Christ WILL be stretched beyond it's present measure!  Once we can keep the ecclesia in it's true form within specific spheres or venues, the life within is called forth.  This understanding is needed in order to learn how to build up the hedge of protection around community, cities, regions, etc.  Covenant that is revealed beyond the church walls can only be manifest through knowing how to build up the hedge of protection.  

Once an ecclesia reaches it's full stature within a given assignment or season, the same reaches the fullness of times.   These are the fullness of times that we watch for.  These fullness of times within the Lord's ascension leads to a completed work within one season and prepares us to build towards a new season.  In the fullness of times, we become alert to a coming visitation beyond our present state so that we watch in expectancy.  Expectations can often tie us to what God moved in yesterday.  While expectations can often bring offense, expectancy will bring the habitation of the Lord in the new season.  As we wait on the Lord with expectancy, we also watch for the next progression of the spirit.  Once the Holy Spirit begins to move, we respond to him so that when the wine begins to flow, the new wine will not be spilled out and lost.  A great part of building up the ecclesia comes in being continually prepared through those who have been called out to appear before the Lord even as he appears in his glory.     

The gifts of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers build us for one purpose and the form of this seed never changes. (Eph 4:11).  However, Garden Ministry within an ecclesia serves to reveal the works of Christ through a greater Priesthood.  Although the form of the ministry may change, we will always identify the works of the original ministries by their fruit.  A functioning ecclesia (who ascends in Christ) will raise, or call forth the same Christ life in all of creation.  Whether the community that we're building is the actual church family, natural family, community or workplace, all that we know of ministry continues to reproduce itself in the regeneration. 

Christ Revealed and Manifest

Regarding the manifest presence of Christ with us, the process of team building with those who are willing participants lead to multiplying the works of the ministries from their original form and function.  Team building leads to revealing the community that is required to bring the manifest presence of Christ.  From Christ in his form within the Church, what is the form of man within family, community and beyond?  The ecclesia continues to call forth Christ in these relationships.  From Christ in his form within                                 the sons, what is the form of Christ in the earth through the life within our cities and nations?  Again, the ecclesia continues to call forth the Christ life within the earth.  Does the marketplace contaminate true faith?  If it does, how then do we make disciples of nations? Truly, we are called to make disciples of nations!  

The Three R's

Beyond Christ's original form through what we know as Five Fold ministry (Eph. 4:11), we move into ministry that requires three-fold expressions to reveal a finished work.  Beginning with Reconciliation, Restoration and Regeneration, the greater works of Christ continue to be multiplied through venues well beyond what the church walls can contain.  Once ministry goes beyond the foundation stages of building, the ecclesia serves to call forth everything that has breath in the original substance that God created through. Everything that God created contains the spirit life of the word (Christ) within itself.  The ecclesia, being of spirit, has the power to raise life by the spirit. In doing so, the original form of every living thing is brought into memory of it's beginning in God.  Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.  Let the church rise, even as God rises in the church!

Psalm 150

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

A Psalm of Praise.

150 Praise the Lord!
Praise God in His sanctuary;
Praise Him in His mighty expanse.
Praise Him for His mighty deeds;
Praise Him according to His excellent greatness.
Praise Him with trumpet sound;
Praise Him with harp and lyre.
Praise Him with timbrel and dancing;
Praise Him with stringed instruments and pipe.
Praise Him with loud cymbals;
Praise Him with resounding cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord!

Giving praise,

Cindy Allen