
Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Bittersweet Fellowship of Ministry in the Holiest Place

1 John 2:27 As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him.

Years ago, God began leading me into the fellowships that he wanted to demonstrate ministry through.  In gathering with others for this purpose, we soon began to experience the quickening spirit of Christ through relationships that demonstrated covenant in respect to the ministries.  Matthew 18:20 says that “where two or three are gathered in My name, I am there in their midst”. 

As soon as we gather ourselves into fellowship, whatever ministry God has called us to becomes activated through Koinonea.  Koinonea fellowship brings all into one mind and one accord.  Once fellowship becomes corporate to be mutually shared by all, we begin seeing progression where fellowship begins to demonstrate stewardship.  Once the ministries begin being stewarded, new administrations of ministry begin being birthed and raised up for specific communities.  Whether we gather for the purpose of discipleship, Five-Fold ministry, Prayer and Intercession, or other ministry, we see the same patterns of progression through each expression – except one.  The one ministry that will always be different is with that of Elders. 

Elders are mature leaders who manifest the Holiest Place in each new sphere, or new administration of ministry.  However sweet the fellowship is, we know that once God’s synergy becomes manifest, His glory will follow.  Where God’s glory begins being poured out, we also know those who have taken part in birthing new administrations will soon be scattered like seed in the wind.  However sweet the fellowship is, sent ones will often know the bittersweet of goodbye where our inner circle becomes greatly expanded.  Ministry and relationships that manifest the 100 fold realm quickly become disbursed to pollinate other communities, as each is sent to reproduce the seed that they hold in their hands.

New community often means new soil that doesn’t yet produce fruitful crops, but this is the suffering of servant leaders.  This morning, my Pastor confirmed a word I heard earlier this week about the fellowship of suffering so that we may know Christ and the power of His resurrection.  This is for the purpose of the glory being revealed to us and in us.  Rom 8:18. 

Below is a word shared by my friend, Apostle Jim Becton regarding the fellowship of suffering. 
There is a 1) Fellowship in the gospel, mentioned in Phil. 1:5, that has to do with the fellowship of the brethren, that brings UNITY!  Then, there is a 2) fellowship of the mystery, which has to do with an administration, as in a "stewardship of the gospel" and a "manifestation of the mystery".  This has to with the "riches of His glory." Col. 1:25-29) But then there is a 3) Fellowship of His SUFFERINGS- THAT I MAY KNOW HIM AND THE POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION AND THE FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SUFFERINGS, BEING CONFORMED TO HIS DEATH, (Phil. 3:10) This is where we "willingly" suffer the loss of ALL things, that we might gain Christ! This has to do with His GLORY being revealed in us- Ro. 8:18- For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us. This "manifestation" or the revealing of the sons of God, is in all reality, the manifesting of "Christ in YOU (Us), the hope of glory..." (Co. 1:27) - end.

Even as some of us are being sent in different directions in these times, networking is still a vital way of remaining connected where miles will soon divide us.  In God’s House, multiplication comes from all that he brings division to.  We can be thankful that love and honor will continue to grow and multiply, even when these heart connections are no longer present with us in the body.  May our loved ones continue to be blessed as they are met with God's grace and love in each new assignment. 

Grace and love,

Cindy Allen

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