When we can identify the gifts of the spirit with the many works and ministries of Christ, it's much easier to discern the times within our present progression. Times of transition can be discerned inwardly within our spirit man. These times can also be discerned outwardly where vision is needed to bring clarity and understanding to God's purposes in relationship to a body or community of people. Any time that God is moving amongst His people, the ministry of the Holy Spirit begins operating very strong. The first ways that the Holy Spirit manifests Himself to us is through the spirit of peace and unity. In this way, people become gathered into one mind and one accord. This Koinonea Fellowship can become manifest through the ministry of praise and worship. It can also be manifest through prayer and fellowship as well as Bible study.
From this fellowship, the Holy Spirit begins moving to stir the gifts of the spirit in people. The ministry of the Holy Spirit serves to knit people in bonds of love. This is often where covenant blessing is first discerned. Through this fellowship, we often experience a visitation through the scriptures within the Book of Genesis.
From Genesis 1:22 to Genesis 1:28, we begin seeing order through an arrangement that relates to creation and the Garden. Here, we also begin seeing order that is sequential. In Gen. 1:22, God blessed man through Adam and Eve and said: "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth." In verse 28, God blessed them again and said, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."
Every gift given multiplies us in the purposes that we appropriate the blessing towards. From the dominion mandate given to us in the Book of Genesis to the ministries of Christ to the Church, the Holy Spirit is present to manifest gifts, blessings and ministries. The ministry and gifts of the spirit lead to greater demonstration in bodily form through the ministries of Christ.
A church body who can carry the manifest presence of God and become His dwelling place will steward the same by building community through discipleship. Apart from stewardship of faith from church to Kingdom, and from church to greater community, we cannot adequately fulfill the mandates given to us in Genesis. Making disciples, releasing sons, building people and community is all part of tending the Garden of our lives and that of our church community. Even as the Ministries of Christ builds the structure within the local church, the same ministries must equip disciples and sons within their own sphere of influence of lifestyle and ministry.
A balance of ministry serves to build both. In doing so, we minister to a corporate move of the spirit as opposed to separating Kings and Priests. Although the partnership of Kings and Priests is not fully understood until each sees the separate function of the other within this relationship, the first blessing serves to establish all on same foundations.
move of the spirit that follows will distinguish the differences so that we begin to
understand how to receive of the second blessing. From ministry that
fully builds the gifts and expressions of Christ within the church to
how these same gifts build disciples and sons in the marketplace, we see
a different manifestation of the spirit.
1 Corinthians 12:7 But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. Even as this scripture is fulfilled in building us towards the ministries of Christ, it also builds us towards fulfilling the second blessing spoken of in the dominion mandate. In the second blessing, this scripture fulfills a Melchizedek Priesthood order of Kings and Priests. While the first blessing brings fulfillment to natural seed, the second blessing births strategy that is born out of this seed, much like Jew and Gentile.
However different each is expressed in bodily form, both are of the same spirit. Of Kings and Priests, the relationship that each has with the other raises Christ again through an administration. This administration is expressed beyond the original order of governing through the Five Fold ministry gifts. In our forward momentum, each ministry stream quickens the other and each feeds off the other. This is the making of the Melchizedek Priesthood. As Melchizedek brings bread and wine, Kings and Priests are brought into Holy Communion (of the saints).
The Order of Melchizedek
Multiplication has a pattern. First, two are made one, and then the one becomes divided for the purpose of being multiplied. This is the order through Melchizedek. Each time that two are made one, new birth (increase/harvest) will bring holy division. Here, we begin discerning the greater works of Christ. The new birth is revealed through the community that begins being raised. In this way, we discern "the House" so that the building of the house (works of ministry) follows. The building pattern of "the House" is ministered from disciples to sons and from sons to Elders.
Important Note for Elders and Five Fold Ministry Leaders
Spirit led ministry equipping follows a progressive
order of building in relationship to scripture and the ministries of
Christ. Even as we see a progressive pattern of building in respect to
the Garden and the marketplace, we also experience a progressive order
of building for leaders. Those who co-labor together to receive of these mantles will also co-labor together in leading
corporate moves of the spirit. The corporate moves of the spirit are purposed to mobilize the greater church body to advance the Kingdom of God. As we gather ourselves for this purpose, the ministry continues to be spirit led and we see the same patterns of ministry being reproduced. For the purpose of identifying progression, it becomes needful to discern the works of ministry in how they become manifest. In doing so, we become aligned with the works that we need to be quickened in. Discernment of the works of ministry, as opposed to their form, serves to equip all in the wisdom needed to release the saints in the Priesthood in the times to come. (This is why there is an assembly of Elders within the local church and an assembly of Elders of the City. Both are needed)
While the form of Five Fold Ministry remains unchanged, an order of Five Fold Ministry serves to raise administrations that will better serve the marketplace through a Melchizedek Priesthood. For this reason, a Melchizedek Priesthood will apprehend the times, as well as mantles of ministry through identifying with the works of Christ.
Within a church order, we identify the function of the gifts in their relationship to a church body. A Melchizedek Priesthood will identify with the works of Christ and what is multiplied from these works. As standards for corporate sonship are raised through lifestyle and the marketplace, the form of the ministries change according to the marketplace structure that people are being discipled through.(i.e., family, community, industry, services, etc.)
Any time that we find ourselves being gathered to new purposes, we will always find the move of the spirit working to gather man into Christ. From the standard that we're being gathered into in Christ, Melchizedek is revealed. The paradigms of ministry that we often see God move through is that of a father to son order. From a father to son order of ministry, we progress to a King and Priest order. The first order of building will always serve to establish us on a foundation, while the second order serves to build us upon that same foundation.
Gathered Into One
Matthew 18: 20For wherever two or three are gathered (drawn together as My followers) in (into) My name, there I AM in the midst of them.
Christ Brings Division to Reveal Kings and Priests
Hebrews 6: 20Where Jesus has entered in for us [in advance], a Forerunner having become a High Priest forever after the order (with the rank) of Melchizedek.
The greater part of the Priesthood is seen in the whole context of the above scripture. WE are called to go beyond the veils (of flesh) that exist within worldly systems and structures. In doing so, we receive the strategy needed to disciple the nations.
Hebrews 6: 19[Now] we have this [hope] as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul [it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whoever steps out upon it--a hope] that reaches farther and enters into [the very certainty of the Presence] within the veil, 20Where Jesus has entered in for us [in advance], a Forerunner having become a High Priest forever after the order (with the rank) of Melchizedek.
The works that Christ has already put into place in these appointed times will follow through those who are spirit led. We only need to gather ourselves to the order that we may receive them through.
Kingdom blessings,
Cindy Allenwww.eagleslandingnetwork.com
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