These days are as Jubilee where the Ministry of Recovery is purposed to restore works of ministry that were lost to the church in generations past. This function is greatly needed in the progressive momentum and regeneration of apostolic ministry. Leaders, be mindful to equip and release the saints!
In the father to son order, the foundational ministries reach a full mark in their growth. Where these wellsprings are capped off in the ascension, they will reproduce outwardly within communities.
In the fullness of times, one or more ministries have been activated to function within one paradigm of relationship. When the glory begins to rest on the sons, release them! Regeneration of the ministries will follow in order for this seed to be planted in new soil. In the Regeneration, ministry which is trans-generational will follow. Trans-generational ministry functions much like the “Three Fold Cord” used to establish an expression of covenant through the gifts. In ministry that becomes trans-generational, a Three Fold Cord establishes an apostolic work through a King and Priest order. Within the King and Priest order, greater works are reproduced through an expanded paradigm of ministry. Here, relationship expands to marketplace venues within our cities.
Even as fathers of faith are established as Gatekeepers of cities, regions and nations, the Marketplace manifests Gateways that are purposed to produce the greatest expressions of ministry. Fathers and mothers, pray for the discernment needed to recognize these times so that you may send the sons in the appropriate time.
These sons and daughters are glory carriers. The glory that they carry is purposed to materialize in much needed ways to bring healing to the land and nations. These times are as Jubilee! Pharaoh would not let God’s people go, but fathers and mothers equip equippers to send them in the proper, Kairos times. These are the appointed times! Allow the paradigm shift to reestablish relationship through the King and Priest order. Be blessed in the multiplication that this shift brings, for this is as Jubilee!
In His Joy,
Cindy Allen
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