It always seems that God delights in using the most simple principals revealed in creation to demonstrate the greatest secrets of His Kingdom. When I was first called into team ministry, God purposed that my awareness of Christ greatly increase through each expression of ministry in Eph 4:11. Not only in the knowledge of these individual expressions of Christ, but also in the knowledge of the fellowship that the Holy Spirit would honor with his manifest presence.
Where the Holy Spirit is given place to lead all ministry, we soon begin to experience a forward momentum that further reveals the Kingdom beyond what we've ever known. Every drop of his anointing and glory is purposed to be absorbed into the fabric of our lives. The awareness of God that follows causes us to be one with Him through Christ, as well as with others.
From Spiritual Alignments to Ministry That We Embody
Most of us understand how ministry flows and operates through spiritual alignments. This is especially understood in relationship to the foundation ministries of Apostles and Prophets. Where we allow God to lead us more fully into this paradigm, we begin to experience the formation of one vessel within one body. When our circle of ministry remains unbroken, we begin to experience what it is to embody ministry that operates beyond any one person's gift. Once the gifts become knit together in the love of God, order becomes manifest to further reveal the Kingdom. God's glory becomes manifest from ministry that reveals divine order.
Kingdom ministry, as well as what we know of apostolic ministry, encircles and encompasses God's people. Even as we embody ministry that Christ will inhabit, the Kingdom encompasses us with greater knowledge of the Father.
Perfected in Unity Through the Glory
In John 17, Jesus spoke of the glory that he had received from God. He also spoke of how he had glorified the Father through his own life. In verse 22, Jesus spoke of giving the glory to the disciples so that they could be perfected in unity - even as Jesus was one with the Father.
We can be certain that the Holy Spirit will always move to glorify Christ as well as the Father in the earth in all that he leads us in. Several years ago, I saw this glory begin to manifest for the first time. When it happened, I was discipling someone into Christ from times where their life was manifesting broken areas of their soul. When the Holy Spirit moves to manifest God's glory, he illuminates the areas of life that need healing. In conversation one day, this person began to receive revelation of their own spiritual condition. As soon as the Holy Spirit convicted her, she began sharing with me that God was showing her that because of her behavior of rebellion and defiance, her personality and character had never fully formed. Suddenly, she was enamored in the presence of God to make straight the crooked paths that she had previously walked in. The soul is made up of mind, will and emotions. In the times that followed, I witnessed God lead this person's life on a path that enabled her to make willful choices towards developing her relationship with God more fully. These appointed times empowered her to overcome emotions that had previously driven her. Choosing relationship with Christ as Lord in these times also resulted in healing the broken areas of her soul. Afterwards, her countenance radiated God's glory and it was clear that her spirit and soul had become one within her own body. Many Christians are unaware of the deeper work of the cross of Christ. There is great power where death comes to the flesh that empowers mans self-will.
More recently, I began seeing the Holy Spirit move on a friend's situation with family. Once again, a knowing arises in people to convict them of the areas that need to be healed. Relationships also have a soul and spirit life. Beginning with fathers and mothers, family life is born. When we release these areas of relationship to God, he moves to heal, from generation to generation. Before disciples and sons can ever enjoy the all-encompassing, convicting presence of God, God's Five Fold ministry leaders, Elders and Deacons must enter into the Holiest Place to become set apart for God's purposes.
More recently, God began giving me visions of what appeared to be a vertical water wheel. One drop of God's glory causes a ripple effect that oftentimes is not discerned or understood beyond the ministry that we're gathered to. Unless Leaders are fitly joined and knit together to see the greater move of the spirit, the wine spills out and is ruined. Regarding the ripple effect, even as the heavens give new revelation, we often do not discern the "signs of the times" through those who are being caught up into the Kingdom. These begin rising in the ascension ministries of Christ to "go to the Father". Where the Kingdom envelops people through godly leadership, the youngest disciples will prophecy with a relevant word of the Kingdom.
The Holiest Place
When our corporate worship is expressed in every facet of our lives, it produces the Holiest Place that greater ministry can flow out of. We must become carriers of the glory that Jesus gave to his disciples. As soon we feel that we've "made the mark", God will increase our circles of relationship so that we continue to be stretched as the new wine skins that will hold new wine. Some circles are local and some are regional. Some are national and some international. Wherever we are on the map, the Presbytery that forms will always reveal new ways to stretch us so that we remain pliable in God's hands.
Any time that God repeatedly gives me the same visions again and again, I set out to search them out in one form or another. Beginning with Five Fold Ministry Leaders and Elders, I feel the video below speaks very clearly of what God desires to do in the earth. The more we gather ourselves as carriers of glory, the more we learn. A picture, or a video, says more than words can. The video below show an amazing discovery of what happens when one single drop of water becomes joined to a much larger body of water. Enjoy!
Kingdom blessings,
Cindy Allen
Water Drop at 2000 Frames Per Second
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