
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Building the Kingdom Community Needed to Support Greater Ministry to the Regions

The Spiritual Rule of Dominion

God established the Kingdom of God to reveal the reign and rule of Christ in the earth through the church.   For this reason, Five Fold ministry leaders and Elders gather themselves for the purpose of entering into an order that greater ministry can be demonstrated through.  

The foundational ministries of apostles and prophets function out of an order that reproduces ministry to the generations beyond the gifts.  Even as the gifts serve our local assemblies to build people, once they mobilize us towards greater purposes, they become the tools needed to build our cities.  For this purpose, the gifts become the Keys of the Kingdom that open us to greater mysteries that God intended to be unveiled in the earth. 

Building Kingdom Community

Our gathering to greater purposes is followed by an assembly of our members to demonstrate the ministry that will produce greater order.  Relational order that is born out of Five Fold ministry leaders is purposed to be transferred to other expressions of community life within our cities and regions.  Much like the Holy Spirit moves on believers to engage them in body ministry within the local church, the Holy Spirit moves on our leaders to assemble them in the order needed to produce greater synergy.  Building Kingdom community serves to open the heavens over our cities and regions through a true spiritual rule of dominion.  Through Godly order, God begins releasing the ministry and the strategies needed to bring the Kingdom to earth.  Apostolic order is as a vertical plumb line from heaven to earth that reconciles everything in creation to God’s original purposes.  

Activating the Blessing Upon the Generations to the 
Blessing of Multiplication in the Third Administration

Apostolic ministry is marked by the passing of batons within Kingdom community to reveal how God builds the generations.  From what has become generational, multiplication then becomes manifest through synergy to demonstrate how God then builds through order.  This synergy is intended to unveil the deeper treasure within our leaders, especially those who are called to influence cities, regions and nations.  

I’ve experienced this in my own life and ministry in relationship to my spiritual father as well as other leaders.  The gifts of Apostles become multiplied to produce greater order where the baton of ministry is being passed from one to another.  In order to increase the sphere of favor and influence of our leaders, we need to build the community that will support the gifts in their truest form.  Increasing the sphere of influence and favor of leaders is accomplished through the sending of sons.  Once we reach the third administration where multiplication is activated, the gifts produce after synergy to assemble our members for greater purposes. 

More recently, an example of this took place in relationship with those I relate with through apostolic team ministry.  My revelatory gifts x  the governmental grace that my Apostle carries in church government and the marketplace = knowledge of spiritual order and it’s function In various spheres of ministry.   Soon after this revelation is shared, another Apostle begins to release his own revelatory knowledge and experience of how God's glory becomes manifest through order.  The building of Kingdom community follows where our members are spiritually knit together in love by the leading of spirit led ministry.  This emerging of gifts serves to build the community needed to support greater ministry.  

True Kingdom relationships lean into each other to walk shoulder to shoulder in the greater part that God leads us towards.  Every revelation is followed by a move of the spirit to manifest what is ministered in the lives of those who labor together.  The end result is the building up of Kingdom community where the whole counsel of ministry is represented.  From Kingdom community where relationships are properly knit together, we become empowered to speak life into our cities, regions and nations.  Ministry that is followed by signs, wonders and miracles will always witness of the order that God will honor with greater counsel.  From glory to glory, we become fellow partakers of the gospel of the Kingdom from each new level of grace.  

1 Corinthians 9:23
I do all things for the sake of the gospel, so that I may become a fellow partaker of it. 

Kingdom blessings,

Cindy Allen

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