Kairos, Appointed Times: The Parallel of Christ through Five Fold Ministry and the Garden of Genesis.
Throughout the ages, from generation to generation, the Kingdom (the times of Christ) is always near to reestablish man in the covenant that Christ came to reveal between God and man. The "times" that Christ manifests himself to us through first become present in our personal relationship with him. This revelation of Christ becomes fully manifest in how we further appropriate this faith to every sphere of relationship and community.
Rev. 22:10 And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand (near).
The Greek word for time is Kairos, which means a measure of time. It also means an opportune or seasonable time. When the Lord is visiting us through Kairos times, He often "appears" to us through prophetic times that directly relate with our personal lives. In these times, revelation is multiplied to manifest himself to greater community. Beginning with family and community, "measures" serve to raise standards that will build the people.
Revelation of prophetic times serves to align us more fully to the ministry that the Holy Spirit will manifest his inner witness in others through. Without a mutual inner witness of the Holy Spirit, there can be no increase of Christ in greater community. From family, to community, to Five Fold ministry, what multiplies Christ to and through a people is pure doctrine.
The secret of forming the spheres needed to cultivate Garden ministry is in guarding our relationships that fully manifest the Kingdom of God. We need one true plumb line of ministry in it's corporate expression before we can build beyond this. What witnesses of Christ in this fellowship will always multiply the gifts through divine order in greater community. Once "measure" begins to materialize through divine order, ministry begins to accelerate people more in creativity and innovation through new spheres.
Word of Caution
The increased presence of Christ in the ministry bodies that we fellowship with are frequently followed by times of multiplication. Even as Christ manifests himself to a people, the gifts of Christ become multiplied in a people. As blessed as this is, it can temporarily knock us off balance where we begin leaning more into prophetic ministry. When discernment of the prophetic increases, we receive revelation of the higher realms. Revelation of the higher realms are needed where people are bound up in unfruitful works. Word of Knowledge and Word of Wisdom frequently follows to release people in their destiny to overcome any presence of darkness. The apostolic serves to establish sons in the Kingdom through lifestyle precepts in relationship to prophetic times. The fullness of both ministries operating together is the beginning of becoming built up in spheres of ministry that can be further cultivated in the likeness of the Garden of Genesis.
Apprehending Kairos, appointed times (of the spirit) involves becoming engaged with the ministries of Christ that release people into their destiny. This takes place through sowing into spiritual times (revelation) through natural works that relate more with lifestyle and community life. The act of engaging ourselves in the works of Christ through his ministries serves to lead us more fully in the fellowship with the Father, as spoken of in Genesis.
Kingdom blessings,
Cindy Allen
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