
Friday, September 21, 2012

The Secret Gateways of Heaven

In a prophetic sense, apostolic ministry can be likened to the River Jordan in that the River marks the birth of a generation into the Kingdom of God.  This birth "mark" identifies the times that a generation crosses over from the natural realm to the spirit realm.  The crossing over from the natural realm to the spirit realm marks the times that a people begin being governed in a spiritual way through their relationship with God.  This relationship with God and His Kingdom comes through Christ.  The walk of faith through our sonship closely relates with Jesus' earthly ministry.    

As in the days when the entire nation of Israel crossed the River Jordan, God marks the times of our crossing over through an altar that was erected for the purpose of building a memorial.  This memorial was purposed to witness to the generations that would follow.  It's good to read the entire fourth chapter of Joshua, but we want to give special attention to the 9th verse.   In the 9th verse, each stone that was gathered from the middle of the Jordan was taken up from a member of each of the tribes.  

Joshua 4: Then Joshua set up twelve stones in the middle of the Jordan at the place where the feet of the priests who carried the ark of the covenant were standing, and they are there to this day. 

Seeing the Kingdom of God is a daily discovery of finding it's secrets through the treasures that God has creatively hidden in our paths.  While one part of the witness of the Kingdom comes through a generation of fathers, another part comes through a witness of sons.  These sons, however scattered they are throughout the nations, will resonate one sound in profound ways.  Regardless of what dialect or tongue the sons speak, the Kingdom only has one sound and one voice.  To recognize the generation that God is manifesting himself through is to discover the hidden portals that open us to greater truths of the Kingdom in our journey of faith.  

New Jerusalem:  Rev. 21:  16 The city is laid out as a square, and its length is as great as the width; and he measured the city with the rod, fifteen hundred miles; its length and width and height are equal.

Once Kingdom builders begin to identify the witness of New Jerusalem within the generations, they must begin building "plumb" in respect to the blueprints revealed in heaven.  Building "square" simply means building an administration of ministry where height (fathers) and width (sons) equal in dimensions through relationship.    

Each Builder will have their own assignment of what they are to build up in the Kingdom of God, but each building must be built on the foundations of Christ and Him alone.  Several years ago, God began revealing my own blueprints in profound and unusual ways.  In the early days, much of this was like setting sail on uncharted waters, while some parts brought the experience of a spiritual wilderness.  

Part of my assignment was relocating to Atlanta, GA.  After moving to Atlanta, I remember discerning things of the spirit that I had never seen or perceived before.  As soon as I entered the city, I began seeing a hidden Gateway.  In this Gateway, I began discerning many covenants in the land, many of which had been broken.  Not long after I moved to Atlanta, I began pouring hours into studying the history of the southeast; especially in relationship to Atlanta, slavery, and the Civil War.  I never spoke about these things or wrote about them until God sent a witness who spoke of the same portals that I had begun to see.

 The Hebrew word  sha'ar, means GATE, which means:   

1) gate
a) gate (of entrance)
b) gate (of space inside gate, i.e. marketplace, public meeting place)
1) city, town
c) gate (of palace, royal castle, temple, court of tabernacle)
d) heaven 

Portals, or open heavens, bring us into greater knowledge of the Kingdom of heaven in respect to the generations that God's Kingdom is to minister to.   There are some gates that are only revealed where there is equal representation of both generations of fathers and sons in respect to land and community (marketplace).  For this reason, the ministry of the Kingdom must be spiritually discerned as the River of the Holy Spirit is always increasing us in the knowledge of God.  

It's important to understand that we can have revelation of something before we experience a complete manifestation of what is being revealed.  Matthew 18:20 speaks that where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am (Christ) in their midst.  Where Christ is manifest in the earth, we have an earthly representation of what is seen in the heavens through two or more witnesses.  These witnesses often serve to represent the generations needed to build the administrations (ministry) needed to bring the Kingdom of God to earth.

After moving to Atlanta,  the first witness that God sent to me was for the purpose of manifesting the Gateway that greater ministry could be demonstrated through.  This person, an African-American gentlemen, represented the race who suffered great violence and injustices in the times of slavery.  God often used this person to speak of the secrets of the Kingdom that I had begun to see, but had not yet spoken - even to now.  

Even though I knew of portals over the city of Atlanta, it never occurred to me how they came to be or why they were in place.  Their presence taught me a great deal about the importance of vertical alignment in being submitted to God's purposes in relationship with both God and man.  One day, this gentleman sent me a photo of some prophetic artwork that showed a secret skyline hidden in the clouds above a natural city.  Soon after, he called me and began to speak of the portals over the city of Atlanta and how he longed to visit here.  Even though he spoke of coming to visit Atlanta, I knew by the spirit that he he was longing for the fullness of times.  These fullness of times, or his appointed time, would be where the salvation of the Lord would be manifest in his life beyond what he had ever known.     

In a lengthy phone call, my friend shared with me that God had spoken to him that these portals were in place through the songs of the slaves.  In times of great affliction and oppression, the slaves lifted their voices to God through songs of praise and worship.  In doing so, God marked  the times in the heavens that would witness to the generations that would follow.   These "times" are marked much like what is written in the fourth chapter of Joshua. 

The Throne of God

Rev. 11:16  16 And the twenty-four elders, who sit on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshiped God,

True worship of God is marked by forgiveness that will even deliver those who have sinned against others through great violence and injustices.  Where darkness falls upon a generation, portals of open heaven illuminate "The Way" (Christ) of crossing over the River Jordan.  It's interesting to read the lyrics of a well known song that was known to be sung by slaves, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot".  It's also amazing to see how God manifests Himself to those who desperately need him, especially in the face of great injustice.  

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot

Swing low, sweet chariot,
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot,
Coming for to carry me home
I looked over Jordan, and I what did I see
Coming for to carry me home?
A band of angels coming after me
Coming for to carry me home
If you get there before I do
Coming for to carry me home
Tell all my friends I coming too
Coming for to carry me home
I'm sometimes up, I'm sometimes down
Coming for to carry me home
But still my soul feels heavenly bound
Coming for to carry me home

Slavery, as well as the Holocaust, serve to represent gross extremes of injustices where the ruler-ship of cruel lords are left unchallenged.  God's plan never fails to bring justice and liberty to all who hunger for Him and His Kingdom through Christ.     
Grace and peace,

Cindy Allen

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