
Friday, May 4, 2012

The Coming Move of God: Leadership Lessons of the Geese

We will always find that the higher we ascend in our understanding of the Kingdom of God, the more resolute we become in appropriating these truths to life on earth.  This would be why Quantum Physics is presently playing such an important role where we are making great advances.  These leaps of faith serve to advance us from "where Christ reigns" in our hearts and lives in relationship to where he is leading us through divine revelation.  Power and demonstration of spirit led ministry will manifest in respect to true relational values and Godly standards.  In this way, the Kingdom of God becomes manifest on earth in very practical ways.  

Those who have pioneered ministry or planted churches look for the evidence of what we carry to begin showing up in those we lead.  This evidence of faith shows up in the lives of others through fruit that remains.  Those who bear this fruit are known as the sons of God.  Beyond this evidence of personal relationship with Jesus Christ, leaders cannot legislate the Kingdom of God in the hearts of those they lead.  

Where Kingdom order is respected on a personal level, our eyes are opened to see the greater part that expands from this.   Our vision should include the knowledge of God's Kingdom order so that we know how to appropriate these truths first to our own lives.  We can only minister to others from the seed that is found from our own fruitfulness.   Word that is imparted from faith will always produce the needed results in the lives of sons and daughters.   

Even as sons experience the multiplied grace and favor of rising within a Priesthood of believers, Leaders can also enjoy a shared synergy with other Leaders.  This synergy is experienced by relating through an order that is connected to the destiny of sons and daughters who rise in the ascension ministries of Christ.   In the ascension ministries, the saints become the "Signs of the Times" spoken of in Matthew 16:3.  

In the ascension ministries, sons and daughters rise through the Kairos, appointed times which are discerned in Christ.  Those who minister from the fathering dimension of the Kingdom of God "hear the sound" of heaven and respond to the saints in relationship with these times.   Covenant relationship produces the quickening spirit of Christ in all so that all become multiplied in the wisdom of God that comes from above.   

Leadership Lessons from the Flight Pattern of the Geese

Scientists have determined that the V-shaped formation that geese use when migrating serves three important purposes.  First, it conserves their energy.  Each bird flies slightly above the bird in front of him, resulting in reduction of wind resistance.  The second benefit to the V formation is for the purpose of keeping track of every bird in the group. The third benefit of flying in the V formation is that the geese are encouraged among themselves through their continuous honking to each other.  

Leadership Strategies that Parallels the Flight Pattern of the Geese

1 - Entering Into the Greater Counsel of Elders (Titus 1:5)

Titus 1:5

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Qualifications of Elders

For this reason I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you,

This corporate ministry brings Leaders into an order that functions beyond the individual ministries of each Leader.  The Elders of Titus 1:5 are established in relationship to the life flow of the City.  The greater ministry that flows out of this order is directly connected to the destiny of the saints who rise through the Priesthood.  In respect to the saints, the order of this ministry serves to raise disciples to sons, and sons (and daughters) to Elders.  

2 - The Synergy of Greater Ministry 

The Synergy that is experienced with other Leaders in relationship with Titus 1:5 is likewise shared with the saints ministry.   This is greatly needed to impart vision to leaders, especially in respect to those they lead.  The Priesthood that is presently being assembled in the Body of Christ is soon to be released as "sent ones" into new dimensions of faith.  These will soon begin their ascent as they rise to maturity in Christ as ONE body.  As they do, the Kairos, appointed times that they enter into will illuminate important choices that need to be made.  These choices serve to advance them in the Kingdom of God in their sphere of influence.  Even as they advance, they will likewise advance the Kingdom of God in their own personal relationships and lifestyles.     

3 - The Order of Completion

Much like the geese watch over each bird within their group, in it's fullness, apostolic ministry functions from a finished work.  From it's completed state, we receive of the greater works that Jesus already has in place.  This comes easily by watching over our circles of relationship in respect to the saints ministry.  We receive of the greater part through watching over the smaller part.  True Kingdom ministry always flows out of the heart of relationship. 

4 - The Empowering Spirit That Quickens

The corporate ministry revealed through greater order continually multiplies all we've known of ministry.  Empowered with vision and the knowledge of greater order, all ministry serves to quicken our members in the greater works.  The quickening spirit of Christ takes place through the synergy that forms.  This takes place both with leaders and again in relationship with the saints who are also rising to these heights.   Where Leaders experience this first hand with other leaders, they quickly recognize sons and daughters entering into these same spiritual paths.  Having gone before, these Leaders are well equipped to speak and minister into the destiny of the saints that serve within their congregations and ministries.  

The Convergence Ahead

However blessed this administration of ministry becomes through the spirit of unity, we cannot afford to be caught off guard where our members are unprepared.  Where our members are unprepared, convergence can sometimes appear as two worlds colliding.  The purpose of knowing God's greater order is to guard against falling into the ditches that appear where two extremes (parts) are not yet reconciled.  This is of "that which is left undone" according to Titus 1:5.  Extremes can become manifest where relationship from one part to another is lacking.  The wisdom that comes through God's order prepares us in times of transition.  This equipping is needed so that we do not unknowingly join ourselves to works that would oppose God in very strategic times that are ahead.   

It is one thing to walk by vision.  It is another matter to administrate ministry in relationship to what is interpreted through vision.  As one body, we will continuously be yielding to the inner working of the spirit.  The grapes that are gathered within this cluster will produce their wine.  This wine will flow down from Zion to the uttermost parts that desperately need to be impacted by the Kingdom of God.  

We are in strategic times to discern the purposes of God in relationship to the Body of Christ.
Cindy Allen is the Founder of Eagles Landing Ministry Network.  Cindy is available to lead Elders teams in relationship to the Priesthood of the Saints who are soon to begin rising.  This will soon begin taking place through a corporate move of God in the saints.  The ministry of Elders spoken of in Titus 1:5 is purposed to connect leaders with the destiny of the saints in relationship to the coming move of God.

Cindy Allen is also available to lead classes and Schools of the Spirit to activate the ministry of the "Sons of Issachar" in the saints.  For further information, you may call 404-890-5381.  You may also contact Cindy Allen at  

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